In the information age, cancer research is shifting from data generation to bioinformatics. This interdisciplinary field develops methods and software tools for understanding biological data. Bioinformatics combines computer science, statistics, mathematics, and engineering to analyze and interpret biological data. The Cancer Prevention & Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) recently awarded W. Jim Zheng, Ph.D., of The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) a five-year, $5.8 million grant to sort through information that could lead to cures for cancer.
Read MoreTags: Bioinformatics, cancer research, Texas Medical Center, Cancer, tmc, Biotechnology Vendor Fair, Research Funding, lab suppliers, BioResearch Product Faire, cancer therapy, Bioresearch Grant, Biotechnology trade show, 2017 research funding
Two USC stem cell researchers have received a combined $4 million from the National Institute of Health (NIH). Dr. Qi-Long Ying will oversee a $1.32 million grant focusing on how two specific proteins influence whether stem cells self-renew to produce additional stem cells or become more specialized cell types. A $2.82 million grant awarded to Dr. Neil Segil will explore why humans are unable to recover from hearing loss, while birds and reptiles can.
Read MoreTags: CA, University of Southern California, California, USC, Southwest Region, stem cell research market, Biotech Vendor Showcase, laboratory suppliers, New research center, stem cell science, Biotech Showcase 2018
The Parnassus Heights is the oldest and the largest of the University of California, San Francisco campuses. It houses basic science, clinical and translational research programs. It is also home to UCSF’s Colleges of dentistry, medicine, pharmacy as well as its School of Nursing. After successfully developing the 60 acre Mission Bay campus, attention is now being directed toward the 107 acre Parnassus campus where half the buildings are at least 50 years old. The goal is to re-imagine the campus in a way that both fosters advances in the ever changing fields of health sciences and harnesses the power of new, data-driven, technology.
Read MoreTags: University of California San Francisco, sell lab products, SFVS, research laboratories, UCSF, laboratory equipment suppliers, Lab Product Sales, UC San Francisco Parnassus, UCSF Mission Bay, new medical buildings, BioResearch Product Faire, new building construction, nih research funding, new science buildings
UC Davis Medical Center is home to one of only 49 National Cancer Institute (NCI) designated comprehensive cancer centers. The UC Davis Center is the only comprehensive cancer center in California’s Central Valley and inland northern California. It serves a region with a population of roughly 6 million people. The Center has $63 million in NHI and California Healthcare Institute funding.
The NCI, a division of the NIH, awards University of California, Davis roughly $200 million annually to conduct cancer research.
Here are the top 5 NCI grants this year:
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Tags: CA, University of California Davis Medical Center, Southwest, NIH funded Research Projects, UCDMC, BioResearch Product Faire Event, biotech vendor show, Sacramento, cancer research funding, Comprehensive Cancer Center, Oncology, Cancer Immunotherapy, Cancer Science
Join us at our 2019 Vendor Shows and meet researchers across the nation. See our current schedule, complete with new event locations.
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Construction is done on the $190 million, seven-story Knight Cancer Research Building (KCRB), and on August 20 researchers and staff began moving in. The KCRB is part of the large Knight Cancer Institute, which includes research as well as treatment facilities. The 320,000 square foot building on South Moody Avenue will allow for the recruiting of 250 cancer researchers and physicians.
Read MoreTags: new research building, Oregon Health and Science University, new science wet labs, Computational Biology, OHSU, Portland, cancer reserach, Knight Cancer Institute
The National Atmospheric Deposition Program's (NADP) Central Analytical Laboratory and Program Office has moved to the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus and is now located in the Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene (WSLH) building in Henry Mall. Across the campus in the University Research Park, Exact Sciences has started construction on a corporate headquarters building.
Read MoreTags: new laboratory, Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin Madison, UWisc, Madison, cancer reserach, new building construction, colon cancer
More than $2 million in grants were awarded to 11 University of Wisconsin faculty members for a wide range of research projects on the Madison campus. Ten of the projects, with an average award of $194,000, were selected by the university’s Data Science Initiative. The 2018 Burroughs Wellcome Award, which provides $500,000 over five years, supports the advancement of biomedical science on campus.
Read MoreTags: Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin Madison, UWisc, Alzheimer's, Research Funding, Madison, 2016, university research funding
Two UCLA research programs have earned state and federal grants totaling $18.8 million, while two departments have been given $3.35 million in private endowments, according to university news reports. The Urology Department received $9.3 million from the state of California while the Fielding School of Public Health earned a $9.5 million grant from the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA).
Read MoreTags: CA, UCLA School of Public Health, UCLA Funding statistics, new research funding, LAVS, UCLA, Biotechnology Vendor Showcase, NIH funding, cancer reserach, UCLA research funding, HIV research, Prostate cancer research, nih research funding
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) recently awarded two large grants to University of Alabama researchers. A $2.5 million--four year--grant will support research into heart failure. A second, $2.3--four year--grant with be used to research treatment-resistant high blood pressure.
Read MoreTags: Bioresearch funding, Alabama, University of Alabama, University of Alabama Birmingham, UAlab, UAB, NIH funding, University of Alabama at Birmingham, BioResearch Product Faire, Bioresearch Grant, Cardiac Disease