Science Market Update

UC Davis: Major Cancer Research Funding Awarded by NCI

Posted by Rebecca Inch-Partridge on Thu, Sep 13, 2018


UC Davis Medical Center is home to one of only 49 National Cancer Institute (NCI) designated comprehensive cancer centers. The UC Davis Center is the only comprehensive cancer center in California’s Central Valley and inland northern California. It serves a region with a population of roughly 6 million people. The Center has $63 million in NHI and California Healthcare Institute funding.  

The NCI, a division of the NIH, awards University of California, Davis roughly $200 million annually to conduct cancer research.  

Here are the top 5 NCI grants this year:

Funding Amount Project Title Principal Investigato
$3,675,469 Risk-based Breast Cancer Screening and Suveillance in Community Practice Diana L. Miglioretti, Professor of Biostatistics

Project Description: New technologies such as digital breast tomosynthesis, breast MRIs, and whole breast ultrasound, have given physicians a number of screening and surveillance options. However, there is currently inadequate evidence to guide informed and individualized decisions. This program’s goal is to provide evidence to guide breast cancer screening and surveillance strategies that are tailored to individual woman characteristics so that the benefits of early detection are realized while the potential harms are minimized. 

Funding Amount Project Title Principal Investigato
$2,882,980 Cancer Center Support Grant Primo N. Lara, Professor Urology Schools of Medicine

Project Description:The Comprehensive Cancer Center's research is focused on cancer prevention, early detection, and treatment that is both precision and personalized. Unique research strategies include the use of patient-derived xenografts, canine clinical trials, and state-of-the-art imaging. The goal is to translate discoveries into clinical trials that ultimately improve the lives of patients and families with cancer.

Funding Amount Project Title Principal Investigator 
$786,082 Paul Calabresi Career Development Award for Clinical Oncology (K12) Primo N. Lara, Professor Internal Medicine/ Schools of Medicine

Project Description:This program nurtures junior faculty to become team-driven researchers who are able to conduct patient-oriented cancer research enhanced by basic/translational (laboratory) science. This caliber of research - which, for example, identifies biomarkers or optimizes how drugs work - is at the forefront of cancer clinical research. It has the highest potential to improve outcomes for patients with cancer. Through this program scientists will hone their skills to become leaders in translational, multi-disciplinary research.

Funding Amount Project Title Principal Investigator 
$646,908 Peptide-based targeted molocular imaging for early detection in pancreatic cancer Julie L. Sutcliffe, Associate Professior Internal Medicine/ Schools of Medicine 

Project Description:One of the major challenges of pancreatic cancer is the identification, development and validation of novel molecular markers and imaging probes. This would allow for earlier detection and provide a rational guide for treatment regimens. This study will investigate the inegrin subtype avB6 as a potential marker that might be used as a tool for earlier diagnosis that can distinguish between benign and malignant cystic lesions.

Funding Amount Project Title Principal Investigator 
$630,136 Nano-Therapeutic Approaches for Oncogenic Herpesvisrus-Mediated Malignancies Yoshihiro Izumiya , Associate Professor, Department of Dermatology/ School of Medicine

Project Description:Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) causes Kaposi's sarcoma and B cell lymphomas, and currently there are not any good options available for the treatment of these diseases. Nano-medicine demonstrates great promise in improving drug efficacy by increasing local concentration and lowering the administered dosage. The main focus of this project is to establish a Nanoparticle mediated drug delivery methods for oncogenic herpesvirus mediated malignancies and evaluate their efficacies.

More about UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center:

  • The center cares for more than 10,000 adults and children each year.
  • It has more than 400 adult and pediatric cancer clinical trials underway.
  • It has the only Nation Marrow Donor Program Transplant Center in the region.
  • The Center has nearly 300 scientists at work on nearly 300 projects, distributed among 42 UC Davis departments and eight schools, including the School of Veterinary Medicine

Scientific supply companies wishing to display and demonstrate their products to UC Davis Medical Center researchers should plan on participating at the Biotechnology Calendar, Inc. vendor fair on Wednesday January 23, 2019. Visit the link below to learn more about this event or call (530) 272-6675.


Researchers attend for free! 

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Tags: CA, University of California Davis Medical Center, Southwest, NIH funded Research Projects, UCDMC, BioResearch Product Faire Event, biotech vendor show, Sacramento, cancer research funding, Comprehensive Cancer Center, Oncology, Cancer Immunotherapy, Cancer Science

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