Oregon State University recently acquired a new, customized $1.6 million ambient-pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy system (AP-XPS). The AP-XPS is the first instrument of its kind in the United States to incorporate an ambient-pressure scanning tunneling microscope, or AP-STM, which enables imaging of surfaces with atomic resolution. This high-tech research instrument will make the surface characterization laboratory at OSU’s College of Engineering a major resource for scientists throughout the Pacific Northwest.
Read MoreTags: Bioresearch, Oregon State University, Oregon, BioResearch Product Faire Event, Research Funding, OR, Corvallis, Research equipment, Northwest Region, ORSTU, Lab Supply, Laboratory product sales, general lab supply, 2017 research funding
(Image courtesy of Cacophony via Wikimedia Commons)
The Knight Cancer Institute at Oregon Health and Science University, a world-leader in cancer research, recently accomplished raising $1 billion in funding to help support the groundbreaking life science research being conducted at the center.
Read MoreTags: new research building, Oregon Health and Science University, Northwest, cancer research, OR, OHSU, Portland, 2016, BioResearch Product Faire, Western, Knight Cancer Institute
Tuberculosis is the number one cause of death by infectious disease around the world. In 2014, this contagious bacterial infection was responsible for 1.5 million deaths worldwide. Although the disease is treatable and curable, it still persists as a global health problem that scientists continue to study, to develop new and improved treatments.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation recently granted scientists from the Oregon Health and Science University $3 million to research potential vaccines for tuberculosis.
Read MoreTags: The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, tuberculosis, Oregon Health and Science University, Northwest, OR, OHSU, Portland, new funding, 2016, BioResearch Product Faire, MAIT cells
For millions of people worldwide, conditions such as macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa can cause progressive and irreversible vision loss, brought on by a loss of function in the eye’s photoreceptor cells. In an effort to turn back the clock on this process, a researcher from the University of Oregon is implementing a novel technology.
Tags: UOr, Vision Sciences Research, University of Oregon, Oregon, 2015, BioResearch Product Faire Front Line Event, Biomaterials, Research Funding, OR, Eugene, Northwest Region, Materials Research
West Nile Virus is a debilitating disease that is spread by the bite of an infected mosquito. Much like victims of malaria, and other mosquito-born pathogens, those affected by West Nile virus are at risk for serious illness or even death.
Tags: Bioresearch, Oregon Health and Science University, vaccine research, infectious diseases, Oregon, 2015, disease research, Research Funding, NIH, OR, OHSU, Portland, NIH funding, Northwest Region, NIH grants, BioResearch Product Faire™
Scientists at Oregon State University’s Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport, Oregon will be stretching their legs a bit more in 2018, thanks to $24.8 million in recently approved state bonding.
Tags: Oregon State University, Oregon, biomarine research, Marine Biology, 2015, marine biology research, BioResearch Product Faire Event, Research Funding, marine science, OR, Northwest Region, OSU, new building expansion, ORSTU
Microbiologists at Oregon State University have discovered and are licensing a new type of natural polymer dairy or food thickener called Ropy 352.
Tags: Bioresearch, Oregon State University, food science, Microbiology, Oregon, 2015, BioResearch Product Faire Event, OR, Corvallis, Northwest Region, ORSTU
A laboratory failure has led to the accidental creation of a new technology that could benefit agriculture, thanks to the smart thinking of researchers at the University of Oregon.
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Tags: Bioresearch, Oregon Health and Science University, UOr, agriculture, University of Oregon, Oregon, 2015, BioResearch Product Faire Front Line Event, Biotech current events, OR, Eugene, Northwest Region, life science research grants, Science Events
Researchers at Oregon Health & Science University’s Casey Eye Institute are taking a strike at the leading causes of blindness, thanks to over $3 million in funding from the National Institutes of Health.
Tags: Bioresearch, Oregon Health and Science University, Northwest, Oregon, 2015, BioResearch Product Faire Event, Biotechnology, OR, Portland, NIH funding, research grants, NIH grants
Scientists from UC San Francisco and Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) have teamed up to tackle acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), a blood cancer that typically affects children from two to five years old.
Tags: CA, Leukemia, Oregon Health and Science University, cancer research, Oregon, California, Pediatric Cancer Research, 2015, San Francisco, SFVS, BioResearch Product Faire Event, OR, UCSF, OHSU, Portland, UC San Francisco, Biotechnology Vendor Showcase Event