Though experts may disagree on when earth’s supply of fossil fuels will be exhausted, they do agree that it will happen eventually. After all, fossil fuels typically require millions of years of degradation to create. So the race for alternative biofuels is on.
The Department of Energy (DOE) recently awarded the Washington University, St. Louis (WUSTL) $3.9 in research funding to develop bacteria that manufactures renewable biofuels. WUSTL scientists are studying Rhodococcus opacus, a bacteria that grows on toxic compounds, using them as a source of food for the production of biofuels. The goal of this research project is to produce biofuels that can completely replace petroleum-based fuels.
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Washington University St. Louis,
Bioresearch funding,
Biotechnology vendor show,
Washington University,
Renewable Energy,
laboratory equipment suppliers,
NIH award,
BioResearch Product Faire,
Department of Energy,
life scinece,
life science labs,
Biotechnology trade show,
Reproductive Research
Without pesticides farmers would become nearly impossible to feeding earth’s 7.6 billion inhabitants. One third of our global food supply is pollinated by bees. Researchers at Michigan State University’s entomology department may have found molecular tweaks that can allow Pyrethroid pesticides to kill pests without killing bees.
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Michigan State University,
pesticide research,
Research Funding,
laboratory equipment suppliers,
scientific sales,
research news,
BioResearch Product Faire,
agricultural business,
Biotechnology trade show,
2017 research funding,
Agricultural Biotech
According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI) there are over 380,000 people living with leukemia in the United States. Each year roughly 24,500 people die from the disease and over 62,000 new cases are diagnosed. To improve treatment options for leukemia patients, the NCI recently awarded John DiPersio, MD, PhD of Washington University, St. Louis $6 million in research funding. The Professor of Medicine in Oncology at the university’s School of Medicine will use the seven years of funding to support three major areas of leukemia research in his lab. These include: improving the effectiveness of standard chemotherapy, preventing graft-versus-host disease, and developing new immunotherapies.
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Washington University St. Louis,
Washington University,
cancer research,
Research Funding,
biotech vendor show,
cancer research funding,
Bioresearch Grant,
Biotechnology trade show,
NIH awards 2017,
Cancer Therapeutics,
Cancer Immunotherapy
According to the CDC, Every 4 minutes, someone in the United States dies of stroke. That’s 140,000 Americans killed by stokes each year. Stroke is a leading cause of serious long-term disability and costs the United States an estimated $34 billion each year.
To help find new treatment options for the nearly 800,000 people who have stokes each year, a team of scientists at The University of Georgia, Athens have developed a new livestock model that could speed stroke discoveries by providing a better, more predictive transnational model.
Mice are out and pigs are in:
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biomedical research,
University of Georgia Athens,
University of Georgia,
NIH funded Research Projects,
chemical supply,
laboratory equipment suppliers,
lab suppliers,
BioResearch Product Faire,
Laboratory product sales,
Biotechnology trade show,
NIH awards 2017,
2017 research funding,
Brain Repair
The University of Rutgers recently opened the Adult Clinical Research Center on its New Brunswick campus. The Adult Clinical Research Center (CRC) is part of the Robert Wood Johnson University school of Medicine. The center outgrew its previous location on the third floor of the Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital and now occupies the 8th floor of the new East Tower medical building adjacent to the Hospital. This 11,646 square foot facility will make it possible for the CRC to double the number of studies they conduct over the next three years. Currently, there are 36 active and 20 pending clinical trials.
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biomedical sciences,
Bioresearch funding,
Rutgers University,
laboratory equipment suppliers,
new medical buildings,
lab products,
New research center,
BioResearch Product Faire,
Biotechnology trade show
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 153 people in the U.S. die from injuries that include a traumatic brain injury (TBI) every day. Currently, there are no effective treatments for moderate-to-severe TBIs. So those who do survive their injuries often live the rest of their lives with impaired thinking, memory, or movement. TBIs can also lead to personality and emotional changes. However, research being conducted at the University of Georgia, Athens (UGA) might lead to a treatment that could significantly improve the prognosis of those with brain injuries. This promising research into a glue-like substance for the brain recently won a $1.5 NIH grant award.
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biomedical research,
University of Georgia Athens,
University of Georgia,
NIH funded Research Projects,
laboratory equipment suppliers,
lab suppliers,
BioResearch Product Faire,
Laboratory product sales,
Biotechnology trade show,
NIH awards 2017,
2017 research funding,
Brain Repair
Most people don’t think of the flu as being life threatening. However, 36,000 American’s die because of the flu virus each year. Now, with the help of millions in NIH research funding, scientists at Rockefeller University have devised a strategy for improving existing flu vaccines. The new vaccines will better protect people against these ever-mutating viruses. And this new strategy might eliminate the need for annual flu shots, while at the same time saving thousands of lives.
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Rockefeller University,
influenza research,
Research Funding,
Life Sciences,
life science researchers,
laboratory equipment suppliers,
Lab Product Sales,
Biomedical Research Funding,
BioResearch Product Faire,
Biotechnology trade show,
biotech services,
nih research funding
Total research and development expenditures for the University of Georgia, Athens (UGA) reached an all-time high of $458 million. This is a 31% increase in R&D expenditures since the 2013 fiscal year. Over the past three years, externally funded research activities have climbed by 37% to reach $198 million in fiscal 2017. These expenditures are funded in part by federal grants and contracts. For example: in the first seven months of 2017 the University received 96 research project grants from the National Institute of Health (NIH). They total $37.2 million. The rest of their research funding comes from foundations, corporations, as well as the state of Georgia.
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biomedical research,
University of Georgia Athens,
University of Georgia,
NIH funded Research Projects,
laboratory equipment suppliers,
lab suppliers,
BioResearch Product Faire,
Laboratory product sales,
Biotechnology trade show,
NIH awards 2017,
2017 research funding
On June 6th Columbia University celebrated the opening of the new state-of-the-art building that is to be the home of their School of Nursing. The seven-story, 68,000 square foot facility is designed to give students an ultramodern learning experience that will prepare them for work as clinicians, researchers, and educators. This building was funded in part by the University's $25M capitol campaign.
(Image courtesy of Columbia University Media)
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New York,
Columbia University,
New York City,
Columbia University Medical Center,
laboratory equipment suppliers,
new medical buildings,
Biotechnology trade show
Between 3 to 20 percent of women with breast cancer will develop another primary cancer tumor in the opposite breast within ten years of the first diagnosis. Though previous studies have identified some environmental, genetic, and treatment-related risk factors for contralateral breast cancer, scientists still don’t fully understand what causes these second primary cancers.
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Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center,
breast cancer,
Research Funding,
Cancer Center,
cancer research funding,
laboratory suppliers,
Fred Hutch,
BioResearch Product Faire,
Biotechnology trade show,
2017 research funding