Science Market Update

Washington University Virtual BioResearch Product Faire™ Event Sept 30, 2020

Posted by BCI Staff on Mon, Sep 28, 2020

Washington University

BioResearch Product Faire™


Virtual Event: Wednesday, September 30th, 2020

Attendance is free for science professionals.

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Tags: Washington, Washington University, WashU, 2020

Washington U. St. Louis Receives $20M Gift & $14.5M in Grant Funding

Posted by Gloria Beverage on Thu, Dec 13, 2018


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Tags: Washington University St. Louis, Bioresearch funding, Biotechnology vendor show, Washington University, WUSTL, BioResearch Product Faire, Birth Defects, Pediatric Neurology, Translational Science

Washington University, St. Louis Researchers Receive $3.9M to Turn Bactria to Biofuel Producers

Posted by Rebecca Inch-Partridge on Wed, Jan 17, 2018

Though experts may disagree on when earth’s supply of fossil fuels will be exhausted, they do agree that it will happen eventually. After all, fossil fuels typically require millions of years of degradation to create. So the race for alternative biofuels is on.

The Department of Energy (DOE) recently awarded the Washington University, St. Louis (WUSTL) $3.9 in research funding to develop bacteria that manufactures renewable biofuels. WUSTL scientists are studying Rhodococcus opacus, a bacteria that grows on toxic compounds, using them as a source of food for the production of biofuels. The goal of this research project is to produce biofuels that can completely replace petroleum-based fuels.

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Tags: Washington University St. Louis, Bioresearch funding, Biotechnology vendor show, Washington University, WUSTL, Renewable Energy, biofuels, laboratory equipment suppliers, NIH award, BioResearch Product Faire, Department of Energy, life scinece, life science labs, Biotechnology trade show, Reproductive Research

Washington University, St. Louis: $6 Million in Leukemia Research Funding

Posted by Rebecca Inch-Partridge on Thu, Dec 07, 2017

According to the National Cancer Institute (NCI) there are over 380,000 people living with leukemia in the United States. Each year roughly 24,500 people die from the disease and over 62,000 new cases are diagnosed. To improve treatment options for leukemia patients, the NCI recently awarded John DiPersio, MD, PhD of Washington University, St. Louis $6 million in research funding. The Professor of Medicine in Oncology at the university’s School of Medicine will use the seven years of funding to support three major areas of leukemia research in his lab. These include: improving the effectiveness of standard chemotherapy, preventing graft-versus-host disease, and developing new immunotherapies.

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Tags: Washington University St. Louis, Washington University, WashU, WUSTL, Leukemia, cancer research, Cancer, Research Funding, biotech vendor show, cancer research funding, Bioresearch Grant, Biotechnology trade show, NIH awards 2017, Cancer Therapeutics, Cancer Immunotherapy

Scientific Sales at Washington University, St. Louis

Posted by Greg Paul on Wed, Nov 01, 2017

The Biotechnology Calendar, Inc. BioResearch Product Faire™ will be returning to Washington University, St. Louis for its 19th Annual event.  WashU's Life Science R&D Expenditures and NIH funding has been totaling about $1 Billion the past few years proving the University's dedication to being at the forefront of life science research and providing a prime opportunity for boosting scientific sales.

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Tags: Washington University St. Louis, Washington University, WashU, MO, St Louis, 2018

Life Science Labs at WUSTL Benefit From Funding

Posted by Rebecca Partridge on Mon, Mar 06, 2017

The National Institute of Health (NIH) awarded Washington University in St. Louis over $1.4 million in grant funding to support their School of Medicine’s Diabetic Research Center. This award was administered through the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases  (NIDDK) as it has been for the last 38 years. The funding will help support the Diabetic Research Center (DRC) and their life science labs. The DRC's mission is to “support and enhance research in diabetes and related metabolic diseases” through Biomedical Research Core services as well as the Pilot and Feasibility Program.

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Tags: Washington University St. Louis, Bioresearch funding, Biotechnology vendor show, Washington University, WUSTL, Diabetes, NIH award, life scinece, life science labs, Biotechnology trade show

Washington University, St. Louis Leading Drug Trial for Alzheimer's Prevention

Posted by Rebecca Partridge on Tue, Jan 24, 2017

Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis is leading an international team studying potential treatments to prevent Alzheimer’s disease. The team recently added a third medicationin this worldwide clinical trial that is already underway. According to the WU School of Medicine news site, the latest investigational drug “is designed to lower production of amyloid beta, a protein that clumps together into plaques damaging neurons in the brain, leading to memory loss, cognitive problems and confusion.”

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Tags: Washington University St. Louis, Washington University, WUSTL, Alzheimer' Research, Alzheimer’s, Research Funding, biotech vendor show, Alzheimer's treatment market, Bioresearch Grant, Biotechnology trade show

WashU Receives $10M for Research on Immune-Based Therapies

Posted by Emily Olson on Wed, Nov 02, 2016

The $10 million gift from Andrew M. and Jane M. Bursky will advance cutting-edge research at the newly named Andrew M. and Jane M. Bursky Center for Human Immunology and Immunotherapy Programs. Research at the center focuses on harnessing the immune system to fight cancer, infectious diseases, and autoimmune disorders.

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Tags: Washington University, Missouri, Washington University in St. Louis, new research funding, cancer research, infectious diseases, Immune System, MO, Midwest Region, immune system research, Washington Univsersity St. Louis, cancer therapy

WUSTL Opens New Regenerative Medicine Research Center

Posted by Laura Braden on Tue, Dec 29, 2015

Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis.Life science research institutions around the country are constantly expanding and providing more space and opportunity for researchers to conduct their work. Recently, Baylor St. Luke's at the Texas Medical Center announced the construction of a new medical campus that was underway and UGA opened a new Veterinary Research Center earlier this year. Washington University in St. Louis is also expanding research space, with a newly opened Center for Regenerative Medicine.

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Tags: Midwest, Washington University, WashU, Regenerative Medicine, MO, St Louis, New research center, 2016, BioResearch Product Faire

WSU Researcher Receives $2M for Prostate Cancer Trials

Posted by Robert Larkin on Fri, May 29, 2015

mountsainthelenswashingtonProstate cancer is the most common cancer among American men, with about 200,000 men diagnosed yearly and an approximately 10% death rate, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Furthermore, prostate cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer death among men of all races and Hispanic origin populations.

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Tags: Bioresearch, WSU Pullman, Washington University, WA, cancer research, Washington State University, 2015, BioResearch Product Faire Event, Research Funding, Pullman, Prostate cancer

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