The University of California, Davis Medical Center is one of the best in the country. It is comprised of the UC Davis Cancer Center, a medical school, the MIND (Medical Investigation of Neurodevelopmental Disorders) Institute, the Eye Center, and other important research facilities. Recently, the medical center received a generous donation to aid their research.
Tags: CA, University of California Davis Medical Center, Optics, Southwest, UCDMC, Sacramento, new funding, UC Davis, 2016, BioResearch Product Faire, Ernest E. Tschannen, eye center, West Coast
The University of Southern California is known around the world as being a leader in many fields, including life science research, and even has a separate campus dedicated to teaching and researching health sciences. With 6 basic science departments, 18 clinical departments, 7 research institutes, and dozens of research centers and programs, the Keck School of Medicine on the USC Health Science Campus is continuing to expand and increase life science capabilities. In 2015, the university opened a new $15 million Center for Pullmonary Research as well as a new $10 million Center for Convergent Bioscience.
The ever-growing campus is adding a new department to its impressive list, with the recent establishment of a Translational Genomics Department to be located in the Harlyne J. Norris Research Tower on the USC Health Sciences campus.
Read MoreTags: CA, University of Southern California, Southwest, USC, Los Angeles, BRPF, 2016, BioResearch Product Faire, Translational Genomics

Tags: CA, University of California San Francisco, HIV, AIDS Research, Southwest, San Francisco, SFVS, Biotechnology Vendor Showcase, UCSF, UCSF Mission Bay, New research center, 2016
Carbon emissions may be at an all time high, but thanks to research currently being conducted at Texas A&M University (TAMU), clearer skies may be in our future.
Read MoreTags: Texas A&M University, Southwest, Southwest life science marketing events, energy research, College Station, TAMU, BioResearch Product Faire Event, TX, 2016
Sézary syndrome is a rare form of T-cell lymphoma that causes different types of lesions to appear on the skin once. Very little is known about the cause of this cancer, and there are no current cures available. Researchers from Baylor College of Medicine and the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas have identified certain genes that, when mutated, appear to play a role in Sézary syndrome
Tags: cancer research, Texas Medical Center, Southwest, tmc, BioResearch Product Faire Event, Houston, TX, 2016, Sezary Syndrome
Tags: CA, University of California Davis Medical Center, Southwest, Alzheimer's Research, UCDMC, BioResearch Product Faire Event, Sacramento, 2016
The time between a patient being admitted to the hospital with an infection and the doctor making an accurate diagnosis needs to be quick so the proper treatment can be prescribed. Sometimes, however, the time between admission and diagnosis can take too long, leading to the infection spreading and causing more damage.
Tags: Southwest, 2015, BioResearch Product Faire Front Line Event, AZ, UAZ, Biotechnology, Tucson, University of Arizona Tucson, BioResearch Product Faire
Cinnamon is a popular flavor commonly used around the world in many candies, foods and drinks. Current research shows that it might be valuable for more than just flavoring, though. (Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons).
Tags: University of Arizona, cancer research, Southwest, 2015, BioResearch Product Faire Front Line Event, AZ, UAZ, Tucson, BioResearch Product Faire, Cinnamaldehyde, Cinnamon, Colorectal Cancer
Researchers at University of California, Berkeley have been doing a lot of bird watching lately to help understand the spread of infectious disease. In a recent study they found that Lyme disease, which many believe is spread by rodents and small mammals, is in fact regularly transmitted by several species of birds as well.
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Tags: CA, Bioresearch, Lyme Disease, Southwest, California, 2015, Berkeley, disease research, BioResearch Product Faire Event, UC Berkeley, UCBerk
Movies like "Happy Feet" and "March of the Penguins" often remind us of how cute penguins are in the cold, Antarctic conditions where they live. These movies, however, fail to mention another species of penguin that reside in warmer climates and is slowly dying out: African penguins. Although they are on track to be extinct within the next 20 years, the Pueblo Zoo in Colorado and Colorado State University, Fort Collins recently performed cancer treatments on the oldest living African penguin in the world, ensuring that the penguin will be healthy enough to live a longer life. (Image of African penguin (not Tess) courtesy of Wikimedia Commons).
Tags: veterinary medicine, Southwest, Colorado State University, 2015, BioResearch Product Faire Event, CO, Colorado, CSUFC, CoSTU, African Penguin, radiation therapy