Movies like "Happy Feet" and "March of the Penguins" often remind us of how cute penguins are in the cold, Antarctic conditions where they live. These movies, however, fail to mention another species of penguin that reside in warmer climates and is slowly dying out: African penguins. Although they are on track to be extinct within the next 20 years, the Pueblo Zoo in Colorado and Colorado State University, Fort Collins recently performed cancer treatments on the oldest living African penguin in the world, ensuring that the penguin will be healthy enough to live a longer life. (Image of African penguin (not Tess) courtesy of Wikimedia Commons).
Tags: veterinary medicine, Southwest, Colorado State University, 2015, BioResearch Product Faire Event, CO, Colorado, CSUFC, CoSTU, African Penguin, radiation therapy
Many people may consider leprosy to be a defunct disease from the middle ages, but for some, it is a contemporary and terrifying condition that can result in nerve and skin damage, and even the loss of fingers or toes.
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Tags: Bioresearch, infectious diseases, Colorado State University, Foothills Research Campus, 2015, BioResearch Product Faire Front Line Event, disease research, Fort Collins, CO, CSUFC
If you are a life science professional or lab supply vendor looking to make new connections in the life science industry, then we have the venue to accommodate your search. Biotechnology Calendar, Inc. is hosting five BioResearch Product Faire™ Events at various top tier universities in Colorado, including:
Tags: 2014, University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical, Colorado State University Fort Collins, Colorado State University, National Jewish Health, Colorado State University Foothills Research, BioResearch Product Faire Event, Front Line event, CO, Colorado, Boulder, UCO, CSUFC, NJH, Fitz, CoSTU
At home at Colorado State University Fort Collins Foothill Research Campus is the Infectious Disease Research Center, a location devoted to studying some of the most dangerous and infectious diseases known to mankind: tuberculous, the black plague and anthrax, to name a few. This center, composed of various laboratories and specific companies, works to make drug advances in the hopes of combating some of the most deadly bacteria.
Tags: 2014, Southwest, Colorado State University Fort Collins, Colorado State University Fort Collins Foothills R, BioResearch Product Faire Event, Fort Collins, Front Line event, CO, Front Line, Colorado, CSUFC
When a catastrophic natural disaster strikes, first responders often make the difference between life and death for potential victims. Training, preparedness and valor play a part in successful rescue efforts, but so do good tools. Sometimes that tool is as basic as an axe or a flashlight, or a life vest or life raft. The recent mega-storm in the NE has us thinking about the kinds of tools that science research is coming up with to address emergency and crisis situations, both during and in the aftermath of a major event. To that end, we're taking a look back today at some of our earlier blogs on life science research invention to see what kinds of scientific solutions are on the horizon (or already here) to aid in disaster relief and recovery efforts.
Tags: UW, Ozcan Nano/Bio Photonics Lab, University of Washington, WSU, University of Minnesota Twin Cities, 2012, Los Angeles, Colorado State University Fort Collins, BioResearch Product Faire Event, UCLA, Front Line event, Seattle, Biotechnology Vendor Showcase, Colorado, St.Paul, scientist solutions, CSUFC, disaster relief