Neuroscience is an ever-expanding life science field. There is so much still unknown about the brain and diseases that affect it, and scientists are constantly performing research and publishing new findings. Diseases such as Alzheimer's, which affects memory and causes behavioral problems, are continually being investigated with the ultimate goal of finding a cure and creating new treatment methods. Recently, a team of researchers found a connection between the memory loss associated with Alzheimer's Disease and certain inflammatory cells in the brain.
Tags: CA, Southwest, Alzheimer's Research, Neuroscience, Irvine, BRPF, UCI, UC Irvine, 2016, BioResearch Product Faire, Alzheimer's Disease, Inflammatory Cells, West Coast, Microglia
The University of Southern California is known around the world as being a leader in many fields, including life science research, and even has a separate campus dedicated to teaching and researching health sciences. With 6 basic science departments, 18 clinical departments, 7 research institutes, and dozens of research centers and programs, the Keck School of Medicine on the USC Health Science Campus is continuing to expand and increase life science capabilities. In 2015, the university opened a new $15 million Center for Pullmonary Research as well as a new $10 million Center for Convergent Bioscience.
The ever-growing campus is adding a new department to its impressive list, with the recent establishment of a Translational Genomics Department to be located in the Harlyne J. Norris Research Tower on the USC Health Sciences campus.
Read MoreTags: CA, University of Southern California, Southwest, USC, Los Angeles, BRPF, 2016, BioResearch Product Faire, Translational Genomics
One in eight couples in the United States has fertility problems. In the majority of infertility cases, the cause can be pinpointed to either the man or the woman, but sometimes there seems to be no explanation for the cause of infertility. Researchers at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey studying infertility in roundworms have recently found a link between humans and roundworms that provides insight into human infertility.
Tags: Northeast, NJ, New Jersey, Rutgers University, BioResearch Product Faire Event, BRPF, Rutgers, Male infertility, 2016, SPE-45, Roundworms, Izumo protein
Tags: CA, heart disease, California, genetic research, Genetics, Southwest Region, BRPF, laboratory market, 2016, BioResearch Product Faire™, Stanford, Stanford University
It's an honor to receive a postdoctoral fellowship to continue your professional training in an established lab just after getting your PhD; it's even more prestigious to to win a postdoc fellowship to start your own lab research program. Dr. Brad Rosenberg finished the clinical portion of his M.D.-PhD program last year at Weill Cornell Medical Center, having earned his PhD from Rockefeller University through the Tri-Institutional Program two years earlier. This year he is conducting his own research at Rockefeller using advanced high-throughput sequencing techniques to analyze lymphocytes in the immune system.
Tags: Rockefeller University, New York, 2012, Immune System, BioResearch Product Faire Event, Funding, NY, NIH, New York City, BRPF
It seems we can get oil from any number of unlikely substances these days, and a joint biofuel research team from Texas A&M and Cornell is trying to do just that. With a $2M grant from the NSF, researchers are studying how to extract the naturally-produced oil from algae. So next time you look at a green swimming pool, consider that a similar muck just might be able to fuel your car. Algae is an eukaryotic organism that is photosynthetic and generally aquatic, and it comes in a wide variety of forms. It can be a very small single cell organism like B. braunii or a very large multi-cellular organism like kelp. It fact algae is one of the newest and most promising subjects of research in the quest for biofuels.
Tags: Cornell University, biofuels, Texas A&M University, Texas, Southwest, 2012, Biochemistry, College Station, TAMU, BioResearch Product Faire Event, Energy, TX, BRPF
Construction of an exciting new research facility was recently announced for the University of Illinois at Chicago. According to a UIC news article, Illinois Governor Quinn declared the commencement of the Advanced Chemical Technology Building (ACTB), which will house researchers from chemistry, biology, and physics. The driving idea behind the building is to foster connections between the three broad fields to focus on specific fields like immunology, orthopedics, tumor growth, and nanoscience.
Tags: Midwest, University of Illinois Chicago, New research facilities, 2012, Illinois, BioResearch Product Faire Event, Chicago, IL, new construction, BRPF, UIC
Chemical and biomolecular engineering researchers at the University of Pennsylvania have recently achieved something truly impressive: they've managed to dramatically improve the process of methane catalysis, by a factor of 30, and using lower temperatures. What this could mean in terms of environmental protection and energy generation is nothing less than game-changing. Natural gas production is at an all-time high in the U.S. and will replace much of our dependence on oil and coal if we can burn it efficiently and without methane pollution. Methane is also a by-product of industries such as waste management, animal farming, and oil extraction (the iconic flame at the top of an oil well is methane being released from underground), where its containment is an ongoing challenge.
Tags: Pennsylvania, Northeast, University of Pennsylvania, UPenn, catalysts, nanotechnology, 2012, chemistry research, Philadelphia, BioResearch Product Faire Event, PA, BRPF
Physics and nanotechnology research at the University of Minnesota has outgrown its 80-year old facility and prompted the construction of the 144,000 sf state-of-the-art building that is now rising on campus. (See the live webcam footage.) The previous home to the Physics Department, the Tate Laboratory, can no longer support the advanced research carried out by more than 150 faculty and graduate students there, nor is it adequate for a field (nanotechnology) that has only relatively recently come into being. The new $83M lab research facility will allow the physics and nanotechnology departments to move forward in this century as well as join forces in collaborative research projects.
Tags: Midwest, nanotechnology, New research facilities, Minnesota, University of Minnesota Twin Cities, 2012, BioResearch Product Faire Event, Research, research laboratories, MN, new construction, BRPF, Minn, Twin Cities
By now you've probably heard about 3D bio printing, a bioengineering technique for literally building functional replacement tissue and eventually organs. (Read an earlier blog of ours on the subject.) While still in the early stages of development in terms of actually producing a human organ for transplant, the technology is advancing and critical problems are being met with innovative solutions. In the July issue of Nature Materials, University of Pennsylvania scientists, in conjunction with MIT and Harvard researchers, published an article documenting their success creating a blood vessel network using sugar.
Tags: Pennsylvania, Northeast, University of Pennsylvania, UPenn, 2012, Cell Research, bioprinting, bio research, Philadelphia, BioResearch Product Faire Event, Research, Front Line event, PA, BRPF, scientist solutions, science solution