University of California, Irvine
BioResearch Product Faire™
Posted by BCI Staff on Fri, Oct 02, 2020
Tags: University of California Irvine, Irvine, UCI, 2020
Posted by Laura Braden on Mon, Oct 23, 2017
In the state of California, more than 176,000 residents arediagnosed with cancer each year and more than $14 billion is spent to fight this disease in California alone. The University of California system has five of the top cancer centers in the country within theseacademic institutions. In September these five UC cancer centers announced that they were teaming up to form a cancer consortium to provide researchers and physicians in California more opportunities to further their work on cancer-related topics. (Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons)
Tags: cancer research, University of California, LAVS, SDVS, UCDMC, SFVS, BioResearch Product Faire Event, UCI, Biotechnology Vendor Showcase Event, 2018
Posted by Laura Braden on Wed, Sep 27, 2017
The University of California, Irvine is a growing life science research institution that is continually growing its research facilities and capabilities. A recent gift of $200 million dollars is the latest funding helping UCI establish itself as a leading life science research institution. (Image of the UCI Science Plaza by By David Eppstein via Wikimedia Commons)
Tags: CA, new research building, University of California Irvine, BioResearch Product Faire Event, UCI, 2017, College of Health Sciences, Integrative Health Research
Posted by Rebecca Partridge on Thu, Jun 22, 2017
The National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases (NIAID) awarded University of California, Irvine $9.6 million to study the impact of environmental changes on malaria in sub-Saharan Africa. This research funding establishes UCI as one of the International Centers of Excellence for Malaria Research (ICEMR).
Read MoreTags: University of California Irvine, malaria, Research Funding, Laboratory Equipment Supplier, Lab Product Sales, NIH funding, UCI, UC Irvine, BioResearch Product Faire, 2017 research funding
For fiscal year 2015-16, UC Irvine received $395 million in grants and contracts and $132.5 million in philanthropic gifts, breaking the university's previous funding records in both areas. Fundraising doubled from the previous fiscal year and funding from research grants and contracts increased by more than $100 million.
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Tags: University of California Irvine, University of California, Research Funding, Southwest Region, UCI, UC Irvine, BioResearch Product Faire™
Posted by Laura Braden on Mon, Jul 18, 2016
With the rise of infectious diseases, like the Zika virus and Ebola virus, research centered on these diseases has risen in importance over the last few years. The University of California, Irvine has become a leader in infectious disease research thanks to a prestigious designation by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The high-containment biosafety level 3 training laboratory (BSL-3) at UC Irvine was recently designated as a National Biosafety & Biocontainment Training Center, making it the third such center in the United States.
Tags: CA, University of California Irvine, infectious diseases, UCI, UC Irvine, 2016, BioResearch Product Faire, Western, Biosafety Training Center
Q fever, an infectious disease caused by the bacteria Coxiella burnetii, is common among livestock such as cattle, sheep and goats. The bacteria can be transmitted to humans through the inhalation of barnyard dust that is contaminated with animal excretion containing the bacteria. Along with passing from livestock to humans, Q fever has been aerosolized in the past and used for biological warfare.
(Image Courtest of Wikimedia Commons and the National Institutes of Health)
Read MoreTags: CA, vaccine research, infectious diseases, NIH funding, UCI, UC Irvine, 2016, BioResearch Product Faire, Western, Coxiella burnetii, Q Fever
Posted by Laura Braden on Tue, Mar 22, 2016
Neuroscience is an ever-expanding life science field. There is so much still unknown about the brain and diseases that affect it, and scientists are constantly performing research and publishing new findings. Diseases such as Alzheimer's, which affects memory and causes behavioral problems, are continually being investigated with the ultimate goal of finding a cure and creating new treatment methods. Recently, a team of researchers found a connection between the memory loss associated with Alzheimer's Disease and certain inflammatory cells in the brain.
Tags: CA, Southwest, Alzheimer's Research, Neuroscience, Irvine, BRPF, UCI, UC Irvine, 2016, BioResearch Product Faire, Alzheimer's Disease, Inflammatory Cells, West Coast, Microglia
Posted by Robert Larkin on Mon, Dec 21, 2015
Tags: CA, University of California Irvine, California, Autism, disease research, Research Funding, Irvine, NIH funding, Southwest Region, UCI, UC Irvine, 2016, BioResearch Product Faire™
Posted by Robert Larkin on Mon, Sep 28, 2015
Researchers at the University of California, Irvine have recently found that people with hypertension can benefit from electroacupuncture – a form of acupuncture that uses electrical currents to stimulate various pressure points in the body.
Tags: CA, Medical Research, University of California Irvine, California, 2015, Irvine, NIH funding, Southwest Region, UCI, pulmonary hypertension, UC Irvine, NIH grants, BioResearch Product Faire™, acupuncture