Researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine were recently awarded two Type 1 Diabetes Special Statutory Funding Program grants from the NIH, totaling more than $5 million in research funding.
Read MoreTags: CA, University of California San Diego, Diabetes, California, University of California, UCSD, Research Funding, UC San Diego, new research grants, NIH award, Southwest Region, research grants, Type 1 Diabetes, Diabetes research
A new life science grant awarded by the National Institutes of Health will allow researchers at the University of California, Riverside to better store their life science data and information. The university has received funding of $600,000 from the National Institutes of Health to support data-intensive research.
Tags: 2014, CA, University of California Riverside, California, BioResearch Product Faire Event, Riverside, UC Riverside, new research grants, UCR, life science research funding
Federal science research funding has taken a great leap at the University of California, Riverside in the past 12 months: an $8 million leap, to be exact, in federally funded new research grants. UC Riverside aspires to gain a bigger market share over the next five years. Currently, the university is in the top 100 universities for federally funded research. By working on innovative projects and increasing the UC Riverside influence in the science research community, UC Riverside hopes to reach the top 50 universities in coming years. The University of California, Riverside campus aims to triple funding in about ten years, requiring an annual growth of about 14 percent.
Tags: 2014, CA, University of California Riverside, California, BioResearch Product Faire Event, Riverside, UC Riverside, new research grants, UCR, life science research funding
Watch out corn, you might just have some competition from the tequila plant in the modern day quest for biofuels. The DOE is funding a new $14.3M multi-lab project to study the CAM pathway in drought tolerant plants like agave, a hearty desert succulent. Dr. John Cushman in the department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Reno is receiving a new $7.6M grant, with a portion going to the University Liverpool in England as collaborators. The rest of the grant, $6.3M, is being divided between the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Newcastle University, and UT Knoxville. The name of this substantial new grant is: Engineering CAM Photosynthetic Machinery into Bioenergy Crops for Biofuels Production in Marginal Environments. Reno's high desert climate is an ideal center for this innovative biofuel research at a time when rainfall is becoming scarce and new solutions are going to have to be found if we plan to adapt to climate change.
Tags: 2012 Research Funding, University of Nevada, biofuels, UNR, Southwest, 2012, University Research, Funding, Research Funding, Front Line event, NV, new research grants, Reno
In the search for early life we are going where we have never gone before...with newly-funded astrobiology research at the University of Illinois.
Tags: Midwest, Bioresearch, Bioresearch funding, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 2012, Illinois, biology research, BioResearch Product Faire Event, Funding, Research Funding, IL, genomics research, research grant, new research grants, UIUC
"High-risk, high-reward" life science research funding isn't something we hear about very often in these days of fiscal belt-tightening, especially coming from the private sector. Fortunately the NIH is still committed to supporting exceptional life science labs that take the road less travelled, with the Director's Transformative Research Awards and the Director's New Innovator Awards, because the potential payoff justifies the gamble taken. The NIH has standard criteria by which they evaluate grant proposals. Realizing that those criteria would enevitably leave out some of the most daring and ground-breaking research, they came up with the High Risk awards. 2012 Director's Awards from the NIH Common Fund (totalling some $155M) have gone to 81 investigators, and 5 of them are faculty members and heads of laboratories at Rockefeller University.
Tags: Rockefeller University, Northeast, RNA research, New York, 2012, biology research, BioResearch Product Faire Event, Funding, NY, NIH, New York City, new research grants, Rockefeller, early career funding
The University of Washington, Seattle recently received a $65 million grant from the NIH to help improve and streamline the UW Institute of Translational Health Sciences (ITHS) research program. This is the second grant of this type awarded to UW and will fund the program over a five year period.
Tags: Washington, UW, University of Washington, WA, WA research, Translational Research, WSU, 2012, Funding, Front Line event, NIH, Seattle, new research grants
University of Cincinnati scientist Laura Woollett, professor of pathology, (photo courtesy of UC), recently received $100,000 in new life science research funding for investigation into fetal growth rates in developing countries. Woollett's research team will be investigiating the link between maternal cholesterol and fetal growth.
Tags: University of Cincinnati, Funding, new research grants
Federal basic and applied science research funding could see an increase of 3.3% over 2012 (enacted) levels, to $64B, if the President's budget request for 2013 is approved. Holding tight to the promise of supporting technology and innovation while at the same time respecting the deficit cap imposed by Congress, the latest budget request proposes only level $30.7B funding for the NIH but funding increases for the NSF, NIST, and DOE Office of Science, with a combined total of $13.1B.
Tags: 2012 Research Funding, 2011 Research Funding, venture development in life sciences, Funding, NIH, new research grants, NSF, charitable giving
Thanks to a longtime Minnesota philanthropist and the State of Minnesota, neuroscience and diabetes researchers at the University of Minnesota and the Mayo Clinic are looking at millions in research grant funding from two new programs:
Tags: Midwest, 2012 Research Funding, University of Minnesota, Diabetes, Minnesota, Mayo Clinic, Neuroscience, Funding, new research grants