The Ebola virus is a terrifying disease that, while typically confined to certain parts of Africa, has gained worldwide attention due to its recent proliferation. According to the Center for Disease Control, there have been nearly 25,000 cases of Ebola virus reported throughout multiple countries in the last year alone. (source:
Tags: infectious diseases, University of Nevada Reno, UNR, Nevada, 2015, BioResearch Product Faire Front Line Event, Research Funding, NV, Reno, NIH funding
The Centers for Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) gives out annual awards to assist researchers with biomedical research projects, as well as to help with the establishment of new university core facilities that will help carry out the objectives of these research projects. Kenton Sanders, PhD, from the University of Nevada School of Medicine in Reno, recently received Phase 3 COBRE funding in the amount of $5.4 million over five years to continue his research of Smooth Muscle Plasticity, as well as to establish new core facilities that will help with this research. (See map below for states receiving COBRE funding. Map created here)
Read MoreTags: University of Nevada Reno, UNR, Southwest, 2015, BioResearch Product Faire Event, NV, Reno
Professor Dean Burkin from the University of Nevada, Reno, School of Medicine discovered that a naturally occurring protein named Laminin-111 prevents muscle damage in mouse models of muscular dystrophies. This discovery holds promise as a possible treatment for congenital muscular dystrophy in humans.
Tags: 2014, University of Nevada, UNR, BioResearch Product Faire Event, NV, Reno
Lab suppliers and biotechnology vendors in Nevada are invited to attend Biotechnology Calendar, Inc.'s annual Reno BioResearch Product Faire™ Event at the University of Nevada on June 2nd, 2014. Life science marketing events at leading research institutions are a great way to generate laboratory sales leads, and our trade show attendees know that a Biotechnology Calendar, Inc. event will introduce them to a number of life science solutions to problems they encounter in the lab.
Tags: 2014, University of Nevada Reno, UNR, Nevada, Southwest, BioResearch Product Faire Event, Front Line, Reno, Pennington Health Sciences
Tags: biomedical research, 2012 Research Funding, University of Nevada Reno, UNR, Nevada, 2012, Neuroscience, Front Line event, NV, Reno, Biomedical Research Funding
Watch out corn, you might just have some competition from the tequila plant in the modern day quest for biofuels. The DOE is funding a new $14.3M multi-lab project to study the CAM pathway in drought tolerant plants like agave, a hearty desert succulent. Dr. John Cushman in the department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the University of Reno is receiving a new $7.6M grant, with a portion going to the University Liverpool in England as collaborators. The rest of the grant, $6.3M, is being divided between the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Newcastle University, and UT Knoxville. The name of this substantial new grant is: Engineering CAM Photosynthetic Machinery into Bioenergy Crops for Biofuels Production in Marginal Environments. Reno's high desert climate is an ideal center for this innovative biofuel research at a time when rainfall is becoming scarce and new solutions are going to have to be found if we plan to adapt to climate change.
Tags: 2012 Research Funding, University of Nevada, biofuels, UNR, Southwest, 2012, University Research, Funding, Research Funding, Front Line event, NV, new research grants, Reno