Florida BioResearch Product Faire™
Posted by BCI Staff on Mon, Mar 08, 2021
Tags: Florida, University of Florida, BioResearch Product Faire™, University of South Florida, Virtual, 2021, Florida State University, University of Miami
Posted by Gloria Beverage on Thu, Oct 25, 2018
Celebrations were held in September for two new facilities on the St. Petersburg campus of the University of South Florida. Grand opening festivities were held for a new seven-story, 225,000-square-foot Research and Education Building. In the same month, groundbreaking ceremonies marked construction of the K9 Tactical Center/Florida’s Forensic Institute for Research, Security and Tactics (F.I.R.S.T.).
Read MoreTags: Biotech Event, Biomedical Engineering, Biotechnology Vendor Fair, University of South Florida, USF, bioengineering, biomedical researh, Biotechnology trade show, medical research building, Health, Research And Education, new building construction, April 2019
Posted by Gloria Beverage on Fri, Sep 28, 2018
Five University of South Florida (USF) Professors received 2018 Excellence in Innovation Awards from the university’s chapter of the National Academy of Inventors in September. USF Research News states that the faculty were recognized for inventing and patenting new technology, creating startup companies and securing research grants and outside investment funding as well as supporting student innovators in research projects.
Read MoreTags: breast cancer research, Biotech Event, cancer research, Cancer Treatment, Biomedical Engineering, Biotechnology Vendor Fair, breast cancer funding, University of South Florida, USF, bioengineering, biomedical researh, Biotechnology trade show, USF Health Morsani College of Medicine, biofuel research, April 2019, virus research, colon cancer
The University of South Florida is a leading research institution in Tampa that conducts cutting-edge research into all life science fields and steadily publishes research breakthroughs. The campus is currently in the process of expanding to provide even more space and resources to life scientists. Construction on the new school of medicine campus has begun, and is expected to be completed in 2019.
Tags: FL, Tampa, BioResearch Product Faire Event, new building expansion, University of South Florida, USF, USF Health Morsani College of Medicine, 2018, new building construction, Morsani College of Medicine and Heart Institute
Malaria and toxoplasmosis are caused by different, yet closely related, apicomplexa parasites. Efforts to eliminate these diseases have met with only partial success. Now the National Institute of Health (NIH) has awarded the University of South Florida (USF) a $2.5 million, five year grant to study a new approach to fighting these diseases by stopping their ability to replicate.
Read MoreTags: BioResearch Trade Show, malaria, Research Funding, parasite, University of South Florida, USF, Bioresearch Grant
Posted by Rebecca Partridge on Mon, Jan 09, 2017
The University of South Florida announced the creation of a Department of Medical Engineering. This trans-disciplinary department consists of physicians and engineers specializing in chemical and mechanical engineering, biomedicine and nanotechnology. It was established through the collaborative efforts of USF’s College of Engineering and USF’s Health Morsani College of Medicine. The goal is to combine related aspects of engineering and medicine while providing access to real-world health care environments for education and research.
Read MoreTags: Biotech Event, Biomedical Engineering, Biotechnology Vendor Fair, University of South Florida, USF, bioengineering, biomedical researh, Biotechnology trade show, USF Health Morsani College of Medicine
Posted by Rebecca Partridge on Mon, Nov 21, 2016
University of South Florida Nursing’s professor, Maureen Groer, PhD recently received funding to extend her research on preterm infants and the microbiome of their digestive system. This research grant from the National Institute of Health (NIH) is part of a $150 million program called Environmental influences on Child Health Outcomes (ECHO). The focus of ECHO is to allow researchers to study the impact that environmental influences have on children by extending and expanding existing studies on mothers and their children. It will involve 50,000 children the across the United States.
Read MoreTags: new research funding, environmental contaminants, Environment, Florida, Research Funding, Southern Region, new research grant, University of South Florida, USF
Posted by Laura Braden on Mon, Nov 09, 2015
Huntington's Disease is a devastating, hereditary neurological disease that affects movement and mental activity. Currently, there are no cures for Huntington's Disease, and current treatments are only able to alleviate symptoms. This disease is heavily studied by researchers across the nation, and millions of dollars are given to Huntington's Disease research annually to work towards better understanding the onset and function of the disease to lead to potential treatments and cures.
Tags: Southern, FL, Florida, Tampa, BioResearch Product Faire Event, Huntington's Disease, 2016, University of South Florida, USF
According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), at least 1 in 9 American children is born prematurely. In addition to obvious concerns about low birth weight and developmental disabilities, premature infants also may be at risk for inhibited development due to the interplay of certain microbes in the gastrointestinal system.
Tags: Pediatrics, FL, Florida, Tampa, Research Funding, NIH funding, Southern Region, 2016, Nursing, BioResearch Product Faire™, University of South Florida, USF
Nearly 14.5 million cancer survivors currently reside in the United States, with more than 25 percent reportedly suffering from a cognitive impairment dubbed “chemo brain”, according to the American Cancer Society.
Tags: cancer research, FL, Florida, Tampa, NIH grant, Southern Region, cancer research grant, 2016, BioResearch Product Faire™, University of South Florida, USF