If you're a researcher in Atlanta, you have the opportunity to meet other researchers and learn about the latest life science solutions on the market by attending Biotechnology Calendar, Inc.’s Emory University life science marketing event. Our Atlanta BioResearch Product Faire™ Event will be held on February 27th, 2014. Last year, our Atlanta BioResearch Product Faire™ Event attracted 213 attendees. This year, make sure you don't miss out on our popular Emory event where hundreds of your colleagues will enjoy one another's company, a free catered lunch and door prizes.
Tags: 2014, Emory University, 2013, Southern, Georgia, Emory, BioResearch Product Faire Event, Atlanta, GA, researcher invite, meet researchers, life science solutions
Researchers interested in learning about new life science solutions and meeting other researchers at the University of Georgia, Athens are all invited to attend Biotechnology Calendar, Inc.’s Athens BioResearch Product Faire™ Event on February 26th, 2014. Last year’s Athens BioResearch Product Faire™ Event attracted 148 attendees, of which 29 were purchasing agents, professors and post docs, and 21 were lab managers. The life science marketing event visitors came from 22 different research buildings and 30 departments around campus.
Tags: 2014, 2013, University of Georgia Athens, Southern, Georgia, UGA, BioResearch Product Faire Event, Athens, GA, researcher invite, meet researchers
“Despite the clinical success of antiretroviral therapy (ART), more people contract human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection daily than initiate ART,” states the NIH RePORTER abstract for a new study receiving funding from the NIH. “The difficulties of lifelong ART - particularly in the developing world - make the eradication of HIV imperative. But clearance of a retroviral infection for patients on ART is a herculean task. While much is known about HIV persistence despite ART, many puzzles remain. New tools to address latent infection must replace the paradigms and models used to develop ART.”
Tags: 2014, University of North Carolina, Southern, Front Line event, NC, Chapel Hill, NIH funding, NIH grant, NIH award, UNC, NC State
The Duke Translational Medicine Institute at Duke University was recently awarded a five-year grant worth over $47 million by the NIH. The life science funding will go towards bringing biomedical research advances to patients. According to the Duke University news page, the Duke Translational Medicine Institute is Duke’s academic base for its clinical and translational research community where training in clinical and translational research is provided.
Tags: 2014, 2013, Duke University, Southern, BioResearch Product Faire Event, Durham, NC, Duke, NIH funding, NIH grant, NIH award
A laboratory testing kit developed at the University of North Carolina Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Developed by Chuck Perou, PhD and professor of genetics and pathology, the testing kit estimates the risk of breast cancer relapse even in cases of anti-hormone treatment. According to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, other scientists who worked with Perou include Dr. Joel Parker and Dr. Maggie Cheang at the University of North Carolina.
Tags: 2013, breast cancer research, University of North Carolina, Life Science Funding, Southern, BioResearch Product Faire Front Line Event, NC, Chapel Hill, UNC, breast cancer funding
Researchers at Emory University have discovered a way of packaging stem cells that make them much more effective in heart therapies. Using a capsule made of alginate, a gel-like substance, the researchers package the stem cells and attach them to the heart within a patch. According to Emory University, this capsule cause the stem cells’ healing to take place over time, rather than dying soon after they are introduced to the body, as they do without the capsule.
Tags: 2014, Emory University, 2013, Stem cell research, Southern, Georgia, Emory, BioResearch Product Faire Event, Athens, Atlanta, GA, stem cell research market, stem cell products
Lab suppliers interested in learning about the laboratory sales market in Georgia may be interested to know that the University of Georgia, Athens recently received $2.9 million in life science research funding from the NIH this year for researchers to study stem cell and induced pluripotent stem cells. According to the NIH RePORTER, the project leader is Dr. Michael Pierce. The project abstract provides more information about what the life science funding will be spent studying:
Tags: 2014, 2013, University of Georgia, Southern, UGA, BioResearch Product Faire Event, Athens, GA, NIH funding, NIH grant, NIH award
Four start-up medical companies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill recently received $80,000 in life science funding the form of a federal grant. The donating organization, Carolina KickStart, is a program within the North Carolina Translational and Clinical Sciences Institute (NC TraCS). NC TraCS is funded by the NIH and works as a medical research center that awards grant money.
Tags: 2014, 2013, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, North Carolina, University of North Carolina, Southern, BioResearch Product Faire Event, NC, Front Line, Chapel Hill, UNC, life science research funding
The University of Alabama at Birmingham recently received a $4.6 million life science research funding grant from the NIH for the school’s Center for Clinical and Translational Science. Dr. Robert Kimberly is listed as the project leader. According to the University of Alabama, Dr. Kimberly is Senior Associate Dean for Research and Director of the University of Alabama at Birmingham Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Center (AMC). He is also a rheumatologist and immunologist whose research interests include autoimmune disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, systemic vasculitis and rheumatoid arthritis. The NIH RePORTER provides more information on the center receiving the latest $4.6 million in life science funding.
Tags: 2014, 2013, University of Alabama, Southern, BioResearch Product Faire Event, UAlab, Birmingham, AL, NIH funding, NIH grant, NIH award
In an article on our Science Market Update blog last week, we featured some life science funding news stories that we covered in our Life Science Company and Industry News Briefs blog the week before. We’d like to do the same this week because a number of last week’s funding news stories may be of interest to lab suppliers working to sell lab equipment at these well-funded research institutions. In the following paragraphs, we’ll give a brief summary of what schools received funding, how much funding they received, and what the topic of research is. We’ll also include links for further reading.
Tags: 2014, Emory University, Harvard University, Pennsylvania, Northeast, University of Pennsylvania, UPenn, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Duke University, North Carolina, University of North Carolina, Life Science Funding, Southern, Georgia, Massachusetts, Boston, Philadelphia, Emory, BioResearch Product Faire Event, Durham, Harvard, Atlanta, Front Line, Chapel Hill, Duke, UNC