Science Market Update

Studying Stem Cell Development at Rockefeller University

Posted by Laura Braden on Tue, Feb 02, 2016

Gaining a new understanding of stem cell development at NY's Rockefeller University.

Updated 12/8/2016, originally posted by Laura Braden 2/2/16

Understanding what stem cells do and why they are important has been a popular research topic for many years. Scientists have learned quite a bit about their functions, such as repairing damaged tissues and renewing some normal ones. However, there is no knowledge of where these stem cells originate and how they develop in the embryo.

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Tags: Rockefeller University, Northeast, Stem Cells, New York, RockU, NY, 2016, BioResearch Product Faire

Rockefeller Raises $20M for New Neuroscience Institute

Posted by Robert Larkin on Tue, Dec 22, 2015


Neuroscientists at Rockefeller University in New York will be making breakthroughs in a brand new institute, according to a recent announcement from the university and the Kavli Foundation. The new Kavli Neural Systems Institute (Kavli NSI) will be located at Rockefeller University, thanks in part to a $20 million endowment supported equally by Kavli and Rockefeller.

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Tags: Rockefeller University, East Coast Bioscience Shows, New York, Neuroscience, RockU, Research Funding, NY, New York City, Northeast Region, NIH funding, 2016, BioResearch Product Faire™, Kavli Institute

Understanding Radiotherapy at Mt. Sinai

Posted by Laura Braden on Mon, Dec 14, 2015

Mount Sinai in New York is a leading, multi-million dollar life science research marketplace.

Fighting cancer is a battle that milions of people have had to, or are currently, waging. When surgeons are unable to remove cancerous tumors, radiation treatment (radiotherapy) is used to destroy the tumors. However, many times, radiation treatments fail to destroy the entirety of the tumor, leaving cancerous cells in the body. Researchers at the Ichan School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai in New York have discovered why radiotherapy is not always successful.

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Tags: Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Northeast, New York, MSSM, BioResearch Product Faire Event, NY, fight cancer, radiation therapy, 2016, Icahn School of Medicine, radiotherapy, tisch cancer institute

Rockefeller University Awarded $15M for Digestive Disease Research

Posted by Laura Braden on Tue, Nov 17, 2015

Rockefeller University in New York. Millions of dollars are awarded annually to researchers and research centers focusing on digestive disorders, including the University of California system schools, the major medical universities and hospitals across the country and top research Institutions  such as Scripps, Salk and

On the east coast, Rockefeller University in New York,  was recently awarded a  Read More

Tags: Rockefeller University, Northeast, New York, RockU, BioResearch Product Faire Event, NY, 2016, Digestive diseases

NY Scientists Awarded $3.1M for HIV Vaccine Research

Posted by Laura Braden on Tue, Nov 10, 2015

The University of Rochester, New YorkSince its emergence in the 1980's, HIV/AIDS has been a prominent point of research for life scientists around the world. With no current cure or vaccine available, scientists receive substantial amounts of funding to study this virus to gain a better understanding of it as well as to produce a vaccine that will combat the virus better than current treatments do, which can only slow and control the virus, but not cure it.

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Tags: Northeast, HIV, infectious diseases, New York, Rochester, BioResearch Product Faire Event, NY, 2016, University of Rochester, URoch, HIV Vaccine, B Cells

Fighting the Flu at Rockefeller U.

Posted by Laura Braden on Tue, Sep 22, 2015

ShotThe flu is something that everyone experiences at some time. Even after receiving an annual flu shot, many people still fall ill due to a different strain of the flu that the shot does not protect against. Generally, the flu shot protects against three common strains of influenza, leaving people still vulnerable to getting the flu. Researchers at Rockefeller University have developed a new method of creating the flu vaccine that could potentially work against many more strains of influenza. (Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons).

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Tags: Rockefeller University, Northeast, influenza research, New York, 2015, RockU, BioResearch Product Faire Event, NY

Stony Brook Medical Researchers Highly Funded for Efforts

Posted by Robert Larkin on Tue, Sep 15, 2015

the-new-stony-brook-university-medical-center-building-in-new-york-by-cannon-designFor over 50 years, Stony Brook University in New York has been a venue for thousands of groundbreaking discoveries made by prominent medical researchers and clinicians.

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Tags: Lyme Disease, cancer research, New York, Stony Brook University, 2015, Pediatric Research, Research Funding, NY, Northeast Region, Stony Brook, research grants, SunySB

Stony Brook Researchers Discover New Potential Antifungal Drugs

Posted by Laura Braden on Mon, Aug 10, 2015

Fungus growing on a leaf. Getting a fungal infection is a part of life, that everyone experiences at one time or another. These types of infections range in seriousness, from athlete's foot to ringworm to histoplasmosis. Although commonly fatal, more than 1.3 million people contract fatal fungal infections each year. Currently, there are three known antifungal drugs available to fight these infections, though they are not always the most effective. (Image courtesy of L. Shyamal via Wikimedia Commons) 

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Tags: Fungi, New York, 2015, BioResearch Product Faire Event, NY, Stony Brook, SunySB, Fungal Infections

Columbia Researcher Identifies New Gene Involved in Color Blindness

Posted by Laura Braden on Tue, Jul 14, 2015

Researchers at Columbia University in New York have found that the gene ATF6 can lead to the vision disorder Achromatopsia. Achromatopsia - a genetic visual disorder that effects about 1 out of every 33,000 Americans - leads to severe vision problems, generally beginning at a young age. People with this disorder are extremely sensitive to light, have trouble seeing during the day (when it is bright out) and cannot see any color.

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Tags: Northeast, New York, Columbia University, 2015, Columbia, NY, Color blindness, Achromatopsia, ATF6

Rockefeller Researchers Make Advances with HIV Vaccine

Posted by Robert Larkin on Tue, Jul 07, 2015

HIV-infected H9 T Cell NIAIDIn collaboration with researchers at The Scripps Research Institute, Weill Cornell Medical College, and other institutions, scientists at Rockefeller University are working to harness the natural potential of the human immune system to develop a series of sequential vaccinations against the HIV virus. 

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Tags: Rockefeller University, Bioresearch, HIV, Bioscience, infectious diseases, New York, 2015, disease research, RockU, BioResearch Product Faire Event, NY, NIH, Northeast Region, AIDS vaccine research, life science tradeshows

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