Life Science Company and Industry News Briefs

NorCal Testimonials: 3 Consecutive Shows, $3 Billion in R&D

Posted by Dianna Matyola on Mon, Apr 22, 2019

In the hearts of San Francisco, Berkeley, and Davis new technologies are constantly being discovered and developed. Biotechnology Calendar, Inc. is hosting BioResearch Product FaireTM events in these three cutting-edge, technologically advanced cities, back-to-back this summer. Attending these events at UC Davis, UC Berkeley and UCSF Parnassus will get you face time with hundreds of life science researchers and provide you the opportunity to network with as well as educate them about your innovative products. Last year, exhibitors met with nearly 600 researchers in this $3 Billion marketplace. Biotech innovators return every year to these three events to meet with new potential clients. Exhibitors and attendees alike all believe these three shows are well worth their while:

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Tags: University of California San Francisco, University of California Berkeley, University of California Davis, Lab Sales, BioResearch Product Faire

NorCal Events - 3 Shows Back-to-Back

Posted by Dianna Matyola on Mon, Apr 08, 2019

Why would you want to purchase space at one of our events? Last year, exhibitors met with nearly 600 researchers in this $3 Billion marketplace.

If you sell laboratory equipment, attending this event will get you face time with hundreds of life science researchers and provide you the opportunity to network with as well as educate them about your innovative products. Call today to reserve your exhibit spaces at these three life science campuses, all back-to-back!

Also, consider these funding facts:

UC Davis: 

  • 2017 Total R&D Expenditures: $738.3 Million
  • 2017 Life Science R&D Expenditures $540.9 Million
  • 2017 Total R&D Ranking: 30th

UC Berkeley:

  • 2017 Total R&D: $770.8 Million
  • 2017 Life Science R&D Expenditures: $224.6 Million
  • 2017 Total R&D Ranking: 26th

UC San Francisco, Parnassus:

  • 2017 Total R&D Expenditures: $1.4 Billion
  • 2017 Life Science Expenditures: $1.3 Billion
  • 2017 Total R&D Ranking: 3rd


"Excellent turn-out this year! Our company was able to connect with many existing and prospective customers. We feel that this year's show will definitely generate business for us. The gorgeous view from our booth was an added bonus. Thanks!" - S. Q., Exhibitor, UC San Francisco Event 

"I have been doing Biotech Calendar shows on the west coast for the last 6 years and have found their events to be well organized, with high traffic and quality attendance. 'You get what you pay for,' as they say, and we always look forward to a Biotech Calendar event to promote our automated genotyping services." - A. M., Exhibitor, UC Berkeley BCI Event

"Great show! Most traffic I've had in my vendor show career. Completely worth paying for this show. Support by staff was 5 stars." - E. M., Exhibitor, UC Davis Medical Center BCI Event


Other University Facts:

 - UC Davis has almost 1,000 basic science, translational and clinical research studies in progress, all made possible through state and federal funding as well as grants and funding from private foundations in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries as well as philanthropic donations

 - UC Berkeley will partner in the recently announced $600 million Chan Zuckerberg science ‘Biohub,’ a collaborative center aimed at accelerating the development of breakthrough scientific and medical advancements

 - UC San Francisco's Medical School has been the top public recipient of biomedical NIH grants for six consecutive years

By I, EncycloPetey, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Early Registration Pricing for these events ends on April 12, 2019! Book before this date to receive an additional $250 off your booth space per show and meet with some the most well-funded and respected researchers in the nation.

Call us at (530) 272-6675 or click on the link below to reserve a space and increase your science product sales in 2019.


UC Davis Medical Center BioResearch Product Faire™ - July 9th, 2019

Exhibit at UC Davis

UC Berkeley BioResearch Product Faire™ - July 10th, 2019

Exhibit at UC Berkeley

UCSF Parnassus Biotechnology Vendor Showcase™ - July 11th, 2019



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Tags: University of California San Francisco, University of California Berkeley, University of California Davis, Lab Sales, BioResearch Product Faire

7 Spaces Left at UCSF's $1B Research Marketplace Event

Posted by BCI Staff on Wed, Oct 19, 2016

Each year, Biotechnology Calendar, Inc. produces two Semiannual Biotechnology Vendor Showcase™ events at the University of California, San Francisco. Last year, the events at the Parnassus and Mission Bay campuses attracted 604 attendees. Of these attendees, 189 were purchasing agents, professors and post docs, and 97 were lab managers. 

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Tags: CA, University of California San Francisco, New research facilities, California, Research Funding, UCSF, new facilities, new facility, UC San Francisco, Southwest Region, spaces limited, 2017

Exhibit Lab Products to $1.6 Billion NorCal Research Market

Posted by BCI Staff on Fri, Oct 07, 2016

The early registration discount is ending on Thursday, October 20, 2016 for the 2017 winter Northern California Biotechnology Calendar, Inc. trade fair events. Last year, exhibitors met with over 700 researchers in this $1.6 billion market.

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Tags: University of California San Francisco, early registration, University of California Davis, University of California San Francisco Mission Bay, University of California San Francisco Parnassus, California, University of California, UCDMC, UCSF, Northern California BioResearch, special pricing

New Life Science Research Building Highlights: 6 in 2016

Posted by BCI Staff on Mon, Sep 26, 2016

With the abundance of information available, it can be difficult to keep up with the biggest changes in the life science research community. This is a short summary of new life science research buildings under construction featured this year in Science Market Update.

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Tags: Michigan State University, University of California San Francisco, new research building, Duke University, New research facilities, Columbia University, University of Maryland, Baltimore, UCSF, new Building

Lab Suppliers Can Shine in 2016 at UCSF Life Science Event

Posted by Robert Larkin on Fri, Jan 15, 2016

From top-notch health education to groundbreaking lab work and innovative medical trials, every aspect of the important research occurring at University of California, San Francisco relies on regular access to the best equipment and lab supplies.

The UCSF life science marketplace is full of active product users, and is just what lab suppliers need for gaining qualified sales leads in Northern California. However, it can be difficult for researchers to make time for lab purchases during their busy work schedules. 

That’s why every year, Biotechnology Calendar Inc. provides a convenient and comfortable venue for UCSF researchers to find the right technology for their laboratories. This long-running show represents a vast life science marketplace for both researchers and lab suppliers, with millions of dollars in funding to be spent on lab supplies every year. As a world-renowned research institution, UCSF is among the highest-subsidized institutions in the nation for life science research, and with over $523 million in awards in FY 2015, is one of the top-funded public institutions by the National Institutes of Health.

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Tags: CA, University of California San Francisco, Medical Research, Biotech Event, California, Biomedical Reearch, San Francisco, SFVS, Research Funding, Life Science Event, Biotechnology Vendor Showcase, UCSF, UC San Francisco, NIH funding, Southwest Region, Lab Supply, 2016

Highly Funded UCSF Needs Lab Supplies to Further Important Research

Posted by Robert Larkin on Fri, Oct 09, 2015

The University of California, San Francisco is on the leading edge of breakthrough research in many aspects of health care and medicine, with a variety of life science departments and active laboratories.

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Tags: CA, Medical Center, University of California San Francisco, biomedical research, Biotech Event, California, San Francisco, SFVS, Research Funding, Life Science, UCSF, NIH funding, Southwest Region, Lab Supplier event, Mission Bay, UCSF Mission Bay, 2016, best science tradeshows, BioResearch Product Faire™

San Francisco Researchers Invited to Upcoming Biotechnology Vendor Showcase™ at Parnassus Campus

Posted by Laura Braden on Thu, May 28, 2015

Life science researchers in San Francisco are invited to attend the upcoming 24th Annual Biotechnology Vendor Showcase™ Event at the University of California, San Francisco Parnassus Campus on Thursday, June 4, 2015, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

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Tags: CA, University of California San Francisco, 2015, San Francisco, SFVS, Biotechnology Vendor Showcase, UC San Francisco Parnassus, researchers invited, find new lab supplies, save lab time

UCSF: $3 Billion Campus Turns 10

Posted by Jennifer Nieuwkerk on Wed, Jan 08, 2014

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Tags: 2014, CA, University of California San Francisco, 2013, University of California San Francisco Mission Bay, University of California San Francisco Parnassus, Southwest, California, University of California, SFVS

Meet Researchers and Sell Lab Equipment at UCSF

Posted by Jennifer Nieuwkerk on Wed, Nov 06, 2013

Lab suppliers interested in meeting researchers and selling lab equipment in San Francisco will want to take note of Biotechnology Calendar, Inc.’s life science events at the University of California, San Francisco. Biotechnology Calendar, Inc. has been organizing life science events for twenty years. We give lab suppliers the opportunity to meet researchers who are receptive to learning about the latest lab products on the market and who have the budgets available to purchase lab equipment that saves them time and money. Our San Francisco, Mission Bay Biotechnology Vendor Showcase™ Event will take place on February 6th, 2014.

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Tags: 2014, CA, University of California San Francisco, 2013, sell lab equipment, University of California San Francisco Mission Bay, California, SFVS

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