UC San Diego’s Geriatric Emergency Room has received a Level 1 designation, the highest and most comprehensive level of accreditation awarded by the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP). Located on the La Jolla campus, it is California’s first geriatric emergency room. It is one of eight geriatric ERs in the U.S. to earn accreditation.
Read MoreTags: CA, University of California San Diego, new medical facility, Bioresearch product fair, San Diego, SDVS, UCSD, Research Funding, Biotechnology Vendor Showcase, laboratory equipment suppliers, new medical buildings, 2018, life sciecne, san diego research, Emergency Medicine, cbd
UC San Diego’s new outpatient pavilion, which opened in March of this year, has been named the Koman Family Outpatient Clinic in tribute to Bill and Amy Koman and their family. The cancer research advocates have raised millions for the La Jolla campus’ medical facilities over the past 18 years.Their philanthropic efforts have focused on supporting collaborative cancer research at Moores Cancer Center at UC San Diego Health, Salk Institute, Sanford-Burnham Prebys Medical Center and Rady Children’s Hospital, San Diego and now the outpatient pavilion. The couple founded the Padres Pedal the Cause, an annual cycling event that raised $20 million between its inception in 2010 and 2016, according to an article in Ranch & Coast Magazine.
Read MoreTags: CA, University of California San Diego, new medical facility, San diego Biotech, Bioresearch product fair, San Diego, SDVS, UCSD, Research Funding, Biotechnology Vendor Showcase, laboratory equipment suppliers, new medical buildings, cancer reserach, 2018, life sciecne, san diego research, new science buildings
Researchers at the University of California San Diego School of Medicine are hopeful the combination of the experimental drug cirmtuzumab along with ibrutinub can halt the progression of chronic B-cell cancers. In an article published in the June 1 issue of Cell Stem Cell, researchers reported that treatment of 26 chronic leukemia patients with the experimental drug combination appeared to stop the disease’s progress.
Read MoreTags: CA, University of California San Diego, San diego Biotech, Bioresearch product fair, San Diego, SDVS, UCSD, Research Funding, Biotechnology Vendor Showcase, laboratory equipment suppliers, cancer reserach, 2018, life sciecne, Blood Cancer, san diego research
UC San Diego has received federal support to continue its efforts to develop new treatments and, ultimately, find a cure for HIV/AIDS. A five-year, $15 million grant has been awarded to the university’s Center for AIDS Research by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). The grant signals the federal agency’s support of the university’s research efforts that started in 1994, the height of the AIDS epidemic.
Read MoreTags: CA, University of California San Diego, San diego Biotech, Bioresearch product fair, San Diego, SDVS, UCSD, Research Funding, Biotechnology Vendor Showcase, laboratory equipment suppliers, NIH grant, 2018, life sciecne, nih research funding, san diego research
UC San Diego life science researchers Don Cleveland and Joanne Chory were awarded 2018 Breakthrough Prize awards in December. Each winner receives $3,000,000, which makes the Breakthrough Prize among science’s largest award. The Breakthrough Prize is intended to highlight scientists who are tackling the biggest questions and toughest challenges in order to improve lives.

Dr. Cleveland, distinguished professor of cellular and molecular medicine, neurosciences and medicine at UC San Diego School of Medicine, was honored for his research of inherited neurodegenerative diseases such as ALS and Huntington’s. (Image courtesy of UCSD)
Dr. Chory, a plant biologist at Salk Institute and an adjunct professor in the Division of Biological Sciences at UC San Diego received her honors “for discovering how plants optimize their growth, development, and cellular structure to transform sunlight into chemical energy.”
Tags: CA, University of California San Diego, San diego Biotech, Bioresearch product fair, San Diego, SDVS, UCSD, Research Funding, Biotechnology Vendor Showcase, laboratory equipment suppliers, 2018, life sciecne, san diego research
Of the four main types of Leukemia, Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) diagnoses make up nearly one-third of new leukemia cases and is most likely to occur in adults. Although common cancer treatment methods are used for AML patients, only about half go into remission after chemotherapy treatments. Factors such as age and overall health contribute to these remission rates. Researchers at top life science institutions around the world continually study AML to gain better understandings of the biology of this cancer that can lead to new and more effect treatment methods. (Image courtesy Wikimedia Commons)
Read MoreTags: CA, Leukemia, new research funding, cancer research, San Diego, SDVS, UCSD, Biotechnology Vendor Showcase, cancer research funding, 2018, AML Research, Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Like most forms of cancer, brain cancers are frequently treated with chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Although these treatments can be effective, many times they are not. Scientists around the world study different types of brain cancers to develop new treatment methods.
Tags: CA, University of California San Diego, cancer research, SDVS, UCSD, Biotechnology Vendor Showcase Event, 2018, Zika virus, Brain cancer
In the state of California, more than 176,000 residents arediagnosed with cancer each year and more than $14 billion is spent to fight this disease in California alone. The University of California system has five of the top cancer centers in the country within theseacademic institutions. In September these five UC cancer centers announced that they were teaming up to form a cancer consortium to provide researchers and physicians in California more opportunities to further their work on cancer-related topics. (Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons)
Tags: cancer research, University of California, LAVS, SDVS, UCDMC, SFVS, BioResearch Product Faire Event, UCI, Biotechnology Vendor Showcase Event, 2018
Updated building status review:
Tags: CA, Southwest, San Diego, SDVS, UC San Diego, new construction, Biotechnology Vendor Showcase Event, 2016
The National Institutes of Health has awarded $30 million in grants for the development of the 4D Nucleome Program at University of California, San Diego. The $120 million NIH project comprises six separate initiatives, with three of the initiatives involving UCSD researchers.
Tags: CA, University of California San Diego, California, SD, Neuroscience, San Diego, SDVS, UCSD, Research Funding, UC San Diego, Biotechnology Vendor Showcase, NIH funding, Southwest Region, 2016