The University of California, San Diego is a world-class life science research institution. The University has many research centers and programs that help enhance the wide range of research projects that UCSD scientists perform. Research centers at UCSD include:
Read MoreTags: CA, Southwest, 2015, San Diego, SDVS, UCSD, UC San Diego, Biotechnology Vendor Showcase
Emmanuelle Charpentier, Ph.D., and Jennifer A. Doudna, Ph.D., have been awarded the 2015 Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences for their work in developing the CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing tool. Dr. Charpentier is the head of the Regulation in Infection Biology department at the Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung (Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research) in Braunschweig, Germany, and also a co-founder and advisor to Swiss drug developer CRISPR Therapeutics.
Read MoreTags: CA, genome research, Southwest, genetic engineering, 2015, Berkeley, BioResearch Product Faire Event, UC Berkeley, UCBerk
When a pandemic appears in the world, people start to worry about whether or not they will be affected by the disease. Questions arise like: What are the chances of it spreading? Are there vaccines? Pandemics like the H5N1 avian flu in 2004, the H1N1 flu virus in 2009, and most recently the Ebola epidemic in West Africa have brought about these types of questions. Most often, when an epidemic breaks out, there is not a common vaccine or cure right away. Texas A&M University is in the process of designing a new Pandemic Influenza Vaccine Manufacturing Facility expected to be operational in 2017.
Read MoreTags: Southwest, 2015, College Station, TAMU, BioResearch Product Faire Event, TX, Texas A&M
Do you have lab products that you want to market to life science researchers? Are you interested in meeting with hundreds of active researchers to sell your lab equipment? If you answered yes to either of these questions, consider attending the 2015 39th Semiannual Biotechnology Vendor Showcase™ at the University of California San Diego in February!
Attending a Biotechnology Vendor Showcase™ at UCSD gives YOU the chance to meet with nearly 500 active life science researchers in need of new lab equipment to help with their work. The event is located on campus, as close to the research labs as possible, making it convenient for the researchers to take a break from their work to come visit the show and discover the best and newest products and technologies that will help move their work forward.
Read MoreTags: CA, Southwest, 2015, San Diego, SDVS, UCSD, Biotechnology Vendor Showcase
Exxon Mobil, the most traded international oil and gas company in the world, donates millions of dollars annually to community organizations that work with the sciences, health and education. The company, which has headquarters in both Irving and Houston, Texas, has a long history of helping out local Texas organizations. Keeping with its commitment to working in Texas, Exxon Mobil recently announced that it will donate $18 million to three research institutions located within the Texas Medical Center in Houston.
Read MoreTags: Texas Medical Center, Southwest, 2015, tmc, BioResearch Product Faire Event, Houston, TX
As the largest state in the continental U.S. and the second most populous state of all 50, it is no wonder that the Lone Star State is known for being BIG. Amongst the big things in Texas are three world-class research institutions: University of Texas Austin, Texas A&M University in College Station, and Texas Medical Center in Houston.
Read MoreTags: University of Texas, Texas Medical Center, Southwest, UTAust, 2015, Austin, College Station, TAMU, tmc, BioResearch Product Faire Event, Houston, TX, Texas A&M
Sepsis, the leading cause of death in hospitals throughout the United States, is caused when someone has a severe reaction to germs and bacteria. It often occurs as a complication to an infection or a surgery, when the immune system has been weakened and is unable to fight off bacteria. Considering how frequently sepsis occurs, it is surprising how under-represented it is in health talks and research. One researcher at the University of California Santa Barbara was recently awarded a $3.5 million grant from the NIH Heart, Lung and Blood Institute to continue his work on increasing sepsis survival rates. (Image on right courtesy of Wikimedia).
Tags: CA, Southwest, 2015, BioResearch Product Faire Event, UCSB, Santa Barbara, UC Santa Barbara
There are thousands of genes in the human genome that all have different purposes. At least 3,000 of these genes are known to express proteins that can be altered by different medications, however, the FDA has only approved drugs that target around 10 percent of these genes. That means that there are still thousands of genes that have not been thoroughly studied that, with the help of the right medication, could be targeted to help improve human health. The National Institutes of Health Common Fund has awarded 8 U.S. institutions $5.8 million for a new collaborative three-year program called Illuminating the Druggable Genome (IDG) that will study different genes and their potential to be modified by different medicines.
Read MoreTags: CA, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, University of California San Francisco, Texas Medical Center, New York, Southwest, 2015, MSSM, tmc, San Francisco, SFVS, BioResearch Product Faire Event, Houston, NY, TX, UC San Francisco, Biotechnology Vendor Showcase Event, North East
Researchers and fundraisers alike are passionate about finding innovative, new and more effective treatments for breast cancer in women. Breast cancer forms in the tissue of the breast, and the most common form is ductal carcinoma, which begins in the lining of the milk ducts. In 2014, 232,670 women were diagnosed with breast cancer, while the death rate for 2014 was 40,000 women.
Tags: 2014, breast cancer research, University of Texas, Southwest, UTAust, Austin, BioResearch Product Faire Event, TX, analytic lab

After undergoing cancer treatments such as chemotherapy, many people experience a lapse in memory, known as chemo brain. Along with memory problems, chemo brain can also include having trouble concentrating, taking more time to finish simple tasks, and having trouble multi-tasking. The cause of chemo brain is currently unknown, but researchers at the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston (UTHealth) have recently discovered a possible cause of chemo brain. (Image on right courtesy of Wikimedia).
Read MoreTags: Texas Medical Center, Southwest, 2015, tmc, BioResearch Product Faire Event, Houston, TX