Physics and nanotechnology research at the University of Minnesota has outgrown its 80-year old facility and prompted the construction of the 144,000 sf state-of-the-art building that is now rising on campus. (See the live webcam footage.) The previous home to the Physics Department, the Tate Laboratory, can no longer support the advanced research carried out by more than 150 faculty and graduate students there, nor is it adequate for a field (nanotechnology) that has only relatively recently come into being. The new $83M lab research facility will allow the physics and nanotechnology departments to move forward in this century as well as join forces in collaborative research projects.
Tags: Midwest, nanotechnology, New research facilities, Minnesota, University of Minnesota Twin Cities, 2012, BioResearch Product Faire Event, Research, research laboratories, MN, new construction, BRPF, Minn, Twin Cities
Tags: Minnesota, 2012, Rochester, Mayo Clinic, Cancer Treatment, Cancer, BioResearch Product Faire Event, MI, Proton, Treatment
The University of Minnesota is planning to construct a new $52 million new life science research building in the new Biomedical Discovery District Research Campus. The new facility will consolidate infectious disease and microbiology research conducted at the university into one complex.
Tags: Midwest, University of Minnesota, New research facilities, Minnesota
Thanks to a longtime Minnesota philanthropist and the State of Minnesota, neuroscience and diabetes researchers at the University of Minnesota and the Mayo Clinic are looking at millions in research grant funding from two new programs:
Tags: Midwest, 2012 Research Funding, University of Minnesota, Diabetes, Minnesota, Mayo Clinic, Neuroscience, Funding, new research grants
Five years ago the federal government decided that private biomedical research companies were not bringing enough new technology to patients in need, and that it would step up that process by having the NIH fund research at academic medical institutions to bridge the gap between basic science and practical treatment. Thus the CTSA was born: the Clinical & Translational Science Awards program, a research consortium supporting the translation of science into medicine by accelerating laboratory discoveries.
Tags: University of California Los Angeles, University of Minnesota, Translational Research, Minnesota, California, Southwest Region
Rochester, Minnesota's Mayo Clinic plans to develop a $10 million outpatient cancer treatment center in Northfield, Minnesota. It will serve an estimated 200 million people.
Tags: Midwest, Minnesota, Mayo Clinic, new construction
Even in the tailspin of a winter and spring the Midwest won't easily forget, at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis (UMN) scientists celebrate their accomplishments, students ride their bikes to shiny new green buildings on campus, and families look forward to a day in the park hunting for bugs. It's May in the Twin Cities, and these are some of the highlights at UMN:
Tags: Midwest, University of Minnesota, Minnesota
The State of Minnesota is funding 5 medical research studies to be carried out by the Partnership for Biotechnology and Medical Genomics, a collaborative between the state's largest medical research institutions: the University of Minnesota (Minneapolis) and the Mayo Clinic (Rochester). This latest round of 2-year grants totals $3.5 Million. If successful, the 5 projects will either produce results that qualify them for futher federal or private funding, or produce intellectual property that can be marketed.
The research projects focus on:
Tags: biomedical research, University of Minnesota, Minnesota, Mayo Clinic