Are you looking for a little more attention for your lab products? Strong visual aids and great graphics can dramatically impact the outcome while exhibiting at an event. The image below is from one of our Biotechnology Vendor Showcase™ events, presents a great example of how using strong visuals can draw researchers to an exhibit space. Notice the eyes on the poster are positioned at approximate eye level to the viewer. In addition to this, the company builds on the trust theme with the over-head title. Knowing your audience always helps. Take a moment to think about who might stop to look twice at a young child's face... What would make your target audience stop in their tracks?
Tags: University of California Los Angeles, University of Illinois Chicago, Life science brand, Life science branding, marketing in science fields, life science researcher event, Life Science Research Market, laboratory sales, marketing, Life Science Leads, life science products
For those of you who don't know us well, we are a small family owned business with a drive to help those in the research industry get ahead. Like other small family owed businesses, our resources are often more limited than our vision, and like other entrepreneuriall businesses, that doesn't stop us from trying to make things work better, faster, and easier whenever we can. In this business, technology is our friend.
Having said that, I must admit that sometimes the usefulness of new technologies is not immediately apparent. When my sister-in-law first mentioned Twitter at a family gathering a few years ago, I remember thinking " What a colossal waste of time that would be... "Who in the world cares if you are out drinking coffee with a Sally or are watching the latest Alien film?" The usefulness of having easily, accessible, simpler info did not really strike me until weeks later when I was having a conversation with friends who live on a narrow mountain road that was under construction. The workmen would tweet when the road was open and when it was blocked, so residents could get in an out with minimal car waiting time. And if the residents needed to leave they could give the workmen a heads up. This proved to be very useful.
Tags: vendor shows, Life science branding, Life Science Marketing, laboratory sales, marketing, scientist solutions, scientific sales
"Marketing" is probably not a word that's used much in university chemistry labs; likewise, lab reagent and equipment suppliers may not consider it a key part of their job to actively promote lab safety practices. But what if marketing lab equipment safety, with all of the flash and attention-holding gimmicks in the sales and advertising arsenal is exactly what is needed to keep (often young) lab workers safe? And who knows more about marketing: business or academia?
Tags: University of California Los Angeles, California, Laboratory Equipment Supplier, marketing
Once upon a time realizing university officials really wanted to know where students were congregating and what they were doing together had an ominous ring, but that's all changed in the super-connected, GPS-tracked world of today's social media. Internet connectivity no longer means checking in from the vague no-man's-land of cyberspace: with the smartphones almost everyone now has (at least the Gen Y set), you are constantly locatable in real space through the geo-locator technology built into your phone. This geo-social component of social networking offers new possibilities for interacting with places as well as people, and leaving a market-opportunity-rich breadcrumb trail while you're at it.
Tags: vendor shows, Event, industry news, National, marketing, iPhone app
Tags: Genomics, industry news, marketing
If your territory includes the Greater Los Angeles Area and you have products or services of interest to the life science research market, you can reach over 700 of the top thought leaders in academic science research at this week's upcoming vendor fair. Researchers actively seeking solutions to their research challenges will be attending this event.
Tags: University of California Los Angeles, California, Los Angeles, Southwest Region, marketing
In 2010, this vendor show on campus at the University of Pennsylvania attracted over 500 academic researchers.
Tags: Pennsylvania, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Northeast Region, marketing
The University of Wisconsin at Madison is a research powerhouse that also knows how to turn its R into D, bringing technology to market, jobs to Wisconsin, and steady income back to the university through licensing agreements.
Tags: Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin Madison, Research Park, marketing, Midwest Region
Finding quality sales leads a hair raising experience? Life science trade shows may be the answer!
Tags: Trade show, marketing, scientific sales, Science sales, science vendor show, scientific sales and marketing
Any science supply company can purchase a booth or tabletop display at a national or boutique science related trade show, send a sales rep and some literature, and if the product is good they will likely get leads. The best leads --the most eager, most relevant and most urgent leads-- usually convert to sales. The best sales reps get more leads, follow up on them faster, and communicate the company's value proposition better, converting more of them to sales than their less competent counterparts.
Tags: marketing, scientific sales, Science sales