Spotlight on Science Meetings, Conferences and Events brings you information on the following event:REU Houston 2017
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Tags: June, Texas, USA, Life Sciences, Houston, Science Meetings, 2017, Current Science Meetings and Events, June 2017, REU
Conference - Houston, TX, United States
Speakers at this meeting will present the newest and often unpublished data that relate to the (1) Biology of CML including the origin of BCR-ABL1, signal transduction, basis of disease progression, action of tyrosine kinase inhibitors and mechanisms underlying resistance to TKI,
Read MoreTags: Leukemia, cell biology, Biology, United States, September, Life Sciences, Conference, Houston, TX, 2016, cancer therapy
ASME's 5th Annual Global Conference on NanoEngineering for Medicine and Biology
(NEMB) brings together members of the engineering community, scientists, clinicians, students, and experts from academia and industry to discuss the integration of engineering, materials science, and nanotechnology in addressing fundamental problems in biology and medicine.
Tags: Medicine, Biology, United States, February, Conference, Houston, 2016
Tags: Bioscience, cancer research, epigenetics, Cancer Treatment, Cancer, March, United States, 2015, Conference, Houston, TX
Webinar - Online
Although method validation and method verification are related terms, they have very different analytical and statistical requirements particularly for compliance with ISO/IEC 17025:2005.
Tags: 2014, Microbiology, July, United States, Webinar, Houston, TX
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