Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events
Tags: United Kingdom, April, London, Life Sciences, Biotechnology, Current Science Meetings and Events, 2019, April 2019
Spotlight on Science Meetings, Conferences and Events brings you information on the following: 5th Annual Congress on Plant and Soil Science
The Plant and Soil Science 2019 will have a theme of: State of Plant and Soil Research & the Emerging Applications. This theme extensively covers every field of plant science and soil science as well as for launching new applications, and to explore new trends in the field of Soil sciences and plant sciences. It provides a premier technical forum for expressing and learning about the advanced research and developments, as well as for launching new applications, technologies and to explore new trends in the field of plant and soil science.
Tags: United Kingdom, Plant science, London, February, Life Sciences, Plant Biology, Current Science Meetings and Events, 2019, Soil science, February 2019
Spotlight on Science Meetings, Conferences and Events brings you information on the following: International Conference on Nursing Care
The main aim of this conference will be to explore the new advancements and research in Nursing Care. This conference on Nursing Care will assemble the Researchers, Principal Investigators, Specialists and Analysts in academia and Medical Services, Business Representatives, Researchers and Students across the globe to give a worldwide gathering to the dissemination of unique research, new thoughts, and reasonable improvement.
Tags: November, United Kingdom, London, Life Sciences, Nursing, Current Science Meetings and Events, November 2018, 2018, Healthcare Systems, Nursing Care
Spotlight on Science Meetings, Conferences and Events brings you information on the following: 3rd International Conference on Applied Physics
The 3rd International Conference on Applied Physics Physics 2018 will be centered on the theme: Exploring the NextGen Technologies in Physics. Physics conference 2018 is aimed for endorsing and developing research in the different fields of Physics. The conference will be held for 3 days and covers different aspects and applications of Physics in different interdisciplinary fields. The topics include 15 major tracks with more than 90 interactive sessions but not limited to the following areas.
Tags: United Kingdom, Physics, August, London, Life Sciences, Current Science Meetings and Events, 2018, August 2018, Astrophysics, Molecular Physics
Spotlight on Science Meetings, Conferences and Events brings you information on the following: International Healthcare Simulation Conference
The International Healthcare Simulation Conference will be focused on the theme: Simulation of Simulating Healthcare and Its Utilization across the World. It will enhance in the field of medicine and health care. Healthcare research provides important information about disease trends and risk factors, outcomes of treatment or public health interventions, functional abilities, patterns of care, and healthcare costs and use.
Tags: United Kingdom, London, October, Life Sciences, Current Science Meetings and Events, 2018, october 2018, Simulation, Healthcare Research, Healthcare Simulation
Spotlight on Science Meetings, Conferences and Events brings you information on the following: International Conference on Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery
The theme of the conference “Exploring Cardiological Research and Innovations“ is to focus on exploring the challenges concerning excellence in cardiac surgery research and advancements.The objective of this conference is to educate people with recent innovations and advances in cardiology. It units world-renowned experts, scientists and physicians to discuss the strategies and techniques in the field of cardiology. This conference invites participants from universities, research institutions, and diagnostic companies to share your explorations and research experiences on all related aspects of cardiology, providing a showcase of latest techniques and innovations.
Tags: heart disease, United Kingdom, August, London, Life Sciences, Current Science Meetings and Events, 2018, August 2018, Cardiology, Cardiac Surgery
Spotlight on Science Meetings, Conferences and Events brings you information on the following: International Conference on In Vitro Diagnostics & In Vitro Fertilization
This conference is based on the theme “In Vitro Diagnostics: Current trends, future challenges and opportunities”. The conference brings together the experts from both industry and academia associated with Invitro Diagnostics(IVD), Molecular Diagnostics, Companion Diagnostics, Point of Care Diagnostics/ Testing (POCT) and associated regulatory matters, R&D and Technology transfer etc. It comprises of plenary sessions, panel discussions, round table discussions and Q&A Rounds, oral presentations, poster presentations, workshops/symposiums, young researcher forums to discuss the current trends, challenges, regulatory matters and future opportunities in the arena of Invitro Diagnostics Devices (IVD).
Tags: United Kingdom, September, London, Life Sciences, Current Science Meetings and Events, 2018, In Vitro Fertilization, September 2018, Women's Health
Spotlight on Science Meetings, Conferences and Events brings you information on the following: 7th European Clinical Microbiology Congress
“Explore the Challenges and Solutions in Clinical Microbiology" is the major theme of our conference, which covers an extensive variety of basically essential sessions. Clinical Microbiology 2018 provides an opportunity to interact with Scientists, Researchers, Business delegates, experts working under the area of life sciences, Academicians and students, around the globe to provide an international platform for exploring current trending concepts and publishing the recent researches.
Tags: November, Microbiology, Immunology, United Kingdom, London, Life Sciences, Current Science Meetings and Events, November 2018, 2018, Pathogenesis
Spotlight on Science Meetings, Conferences and Events brings you information on the following: World Congress on Advances in Addiction Science
Addiction Science 2018 welcomes attendees, presenters, and exhibitors from all over the world to the “World Congress on Advances in Addiction Science and Medicine." Addiction Science 2018 has been designed in an interdisciplinary manner with a multitude of tracks to choose from every segment and provides you with a unique opportunity to meet up with peers from both industry and academia to establish a scientific network between them. We cordially invite all concerned people to come join us at our event and make it successful by your participation.
Tags: United Kingdom, September, London, Life Sciences, Current Science Meetings and Events, 2018, September 2018, Addiction Science, Recovery
Spotlight on Science Meetings, Conferences and Events brings you information on the following: International Conference on Midwifery and Women's Health
The World Congress on Midwifery and Women’s Health invites speakers across continents to gather and exchange thought provoking and inspiring talks on Midwifery, Obstertrics, Neonatology, Gynaecology and Nursing. The set theme, “New Standards of Healthcare: Caring from Cells to Souls” appeals for sharing educational, philosophical and apprising lectures from eminent personalities over the globe highlighting current issues, challenges and advancements in midwifery and women's health. Midwifery and Women’s Health Conference is going to be a unique platform to host prudent talks on a vast field of subjects.
Tags: United Kingdom, London, October, Life Sciences, Current Science Meetings and Events, 2018, october 2018, OB/GYN, Women Health, Midwifery
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