Science Market Update

UCLA: Meet Nearly 500 Top Researchers this Fall

Posted by BCI Staff on Wed, Aug 28, 2019

With 290 medical research centers and distinctive institutes, the University of California, Los Angeles is a powerhouse research university employing some of the leading life science researchers in the world. With a powerful global reputation, the University of California, Los Angeles offers a promising marketplace for lab suppliers working to market their biotech solutions and increase lab sales.

UCLA: Meet Nearly 500 Top Researchers this Fall



Perhaps you are a lab supplier with a long history of doing business with UCLA life science researchers, or maybe you are brand new to the market. Regardless of your time investment, increasing lab sales at the University of California, Los Angeles is as easy as taking advantage of Biotechnology Calendar, Inc.’s well-established connections at the university and exhibiting at the upcoming UCLA event. Why should you focus on this marketplace? Consider these most recent funding statistics for the University of California, Los Angeles:

  • 2017 Total R&D Expenditures: $1,076,917,000
  • 2017 Life Science R&D Expenditures: $761,824,000

  • 2017 Total R&D ranking: 12th
  • 2018 NIH Funding: $408,733,609
  • A $50 million philanthropic gift was awarded to the University of California, Los Angeles to support the five-year, $4.2 billion, fund raising Centennial Campaign.
  • UCLA's AIDS Malignancy Consortium, led by professor of medicine Ronald Mitsuyasu, received nearly $24 million in NIH funding in 2018 and over $136 million since 2006.

  • UCLA's AIDS Clinical Trials Group, led by professor of medicine Judith Currier, received $24.5 million in NIH funding in 2018 and over $483 million since 2006.

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Tags: CA, University of California Los Angeles, California, funding resource, Los Angeles, LAVS

Sell More Lab Products in 2020 - Pre-Release Pricing Now Available

Posted by BCI Staff on Fri, Aug 16, 2019

Sell More Lab Products in 2020 at top  funded universities  with Special Pre-Release Pricing Program

Biotechnology Calendar, Inc. is extending our 2020 Pre-Release special pricing to our current customers in advance of the general market in an effort to help our loyal customers have a competitive advantage in product sales for 2020. This promotion is available exclusively to customers who have purchased packages from us in 2019 and represents the lowest pricing, best placement and greatest availability of packages and programs of the 2020 year

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Tags: 2019, 2020

Fred Hutch: $50.5M for HIV Research This Year

Posted by Dianna Matyola on Wed, Jul 24, 2019

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center has a history of medical breakthroughs in cancer research, and this time, researchers at the facility are taking the lead in developing solutions to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Thanks to enormous funding from the National Institute of Health (NIH), one powerful team of researchers from Fred Hutch in particular, along with researchers from the University of Washington and several other institutions, are running studies throughout the United States, Africa, Latin America, China, and Europe. Specifically investigating the relationship between the virus and its transmission processes, Fred Hutch researchers formed the group known as defeatHIV, in hopes of discovering whether or not the immune system can build a prevention of infection if exposed through a vaccine or otherwise.


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Tags: Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, BioResearch Product Faire™, university research funding

Researcher at UWisc Wins “Transformative Research Award” NIH Grant

Posted by Dianna Matyola on Tue, Jul 23, 2019

A University of Wisconsin researcher is among one of the winners of the 2018 “Transformative Research Award,” a NIH-funded grant supporting creative scientific projects that could potentially result in a quantum leap of progress in the biosciences. A researcher from the Morgridge Institute for Research at the University of Wisconsin is one of the recipients of the award for his project, in collaboration with two other researchers, from the University of California – San Diego and the Sloan Kettering Institute. Their project was selected, along with ten other projects, to receive the award.


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Tags: Research Webinars, University of Wisconsin Madison

Vanderbilt: Over $30 Million in Funding from NIH

Posted by Ashley Adams on Mon, Jul 22, 2019

Launched in 2016, the Precision Medicine Initiative aims to transform our understanding of the factors that contribute to health and disease. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) provided Vanderbilt University a $31.8M grant to be used for the Precision Medicine Initiative (PMI) program with a projected project end date of December 2022. Dr. Joshua Denny, MD, MS, is a Professor of Biomedical Informatics and Medicine as well as principal investigator (PI) of the Data and Research Center of the PMI “All of Us” Research program at Vanderbilt in Nashville, Tennessee.


By Dansan4444 - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Dr. Denny is actively collecting biological samples from volunteers and as of January 25th, 2019 had 100,000 participants complete in-person visits. The NIH goal is to have at least one million volunteers from around the United States participate in the project in hopes of changing the “one-size-fits-all-approach” that most medical treatments are currently designed around. This large pool of data will hopefully allow medical professionals to take into account individual differences in people’s genes, environments and lifestyles to provide more personalized treatment(s). Advances in precision medicine are already transforming the way we treat diseases and various forms of cancer. New treatments are being optimized for each particular person and patients now routinely undergo molecular testing as part of patient care. The “All of Us” Research program will continue collecting data across the nation until 2022 and massive funding is being dispersed to keep the project moving forward.

According to the National Science Foundation, Vanderbilt’s School of Medicine received over $700 million in Research & Development expenditures in 2017 ranking it the 31st best-funded university in the nation. Research is one of Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s core missions and they pride themselves on a uniquely collaborative culture where research in biomedicine and healthcare is touched upon by every school within the university.




Vanderbilt University Funding Facts:

  • 2017 Total R&D : $712,036,000
  • 2017 Life Science R&D Expenditures: $542,857,000
  • 2018 NIH Funding: $102,275,777


Later this fall Biotechnology Calendar looks forward to hosting its 1st annual BioResearch Product Faire™ event at Vanderbilt where Professors, Graduate Students, Post Doctoral Candidates, Research Scientists, Grant Holders, Principal Investigators, Lab Managers and Pharmacists can network and learn about the latest science innovations. The event will take place Thursday October 3rd, 2019.




By Dansan4444 - Own work, CC0,

If you are a lab supplier, attending the event will introduce your products and services to hundreds of researchers actively seeking the newest and latest technologies to aid their life science research.  We hope you will join us at the upcoming Vanderbilt BioResearch Product Faire™ event. 


Vanderbilt Exhibitors
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Tags: Vanderbilt University, NIH funding, Patient Healthcare, Biotech Tradeshow, Data Collection

University of Illinois at Chicago: Reaching for NCI designation by 2021

Posted by Dianna Matyola on Wed, Apr 24, 2019

The University of Illinois Cancer Center, the only public-university based cancer center in Chicago, is pursuing designations from the National Cancer Institute (NCI), a branch of the National Institutes of Health. The prestigious designation would mean increased financial support from the NIH, resulting in more opportunities for researchers as well as an economic benefit for the entire community.

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Tags: University of Illinois Chicago, BioResearch Product Faire™, university research funding, NCI designation

Northwestern Receives $9.39M From Cherished Faculty Members

Posted by Dianna Matyola on Thu, Apr 18, 2019

Two Northwestern University faculty members, David Cugell and Christina Enroth-Cugell, donated a portion of their estate to the university that they loved and spent most of their lives at. The pair are known for their dedication to the students and for their inspiring work in the sciences.

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Tags: BioResearch Product Faire™, university research funding, SQBRC, Feinburg Medical School, Northwestern University

U. Michigan: $1.5 Billion in Total R&D Helps Researchers Investigate Freshwater Algal Blooms

Posted by Dianna Matyola on Wed, Apr 17, 2019

Federal funding was recently provided to the University of Michigan in an effort to understand and prevent the occurrence of harmful algal blooms that fatefully impact freshwater globally. The $5.2 million federal grant supporting this algal bloom research project is part of the $1.5 billion in total annual research and development funding received by the university


While the major effects of these destructive algal blooms are not well understood they came under greater investigation when in 2014, the town of Toldeo, Michigan’s local water supply was contaminated as a result of an algal bloom in Lake Erie. The intention of project researchers is to increase and expand understanding of the toxins and chemical compounds associated with algal blooms and how they effect public health.

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Tags: water, Biochemistry, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, public health, National Science Foundation, BioResearch Product Faire™, top funded, global health

UMass Amherst Investigates Breast Cancer Treatments

Posted by Dianna Matyola on Tue, Apr 16, 2019

The University of Massachusetts is investigating better ways to improve risk assessments and take more effective preventative measures for breast cancer. These projects are funded by the NIH and have already been supported with more than $13.5 million. Researchers in the fields of chemical engineering, biology, veterinary and animal science, public health, health sciences, and epidemiology are all part of the effort.

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Tags: breast cancer research, University of Massachusetts Amherst, bioengineering, Cancer Science, University of Massachusetts research

UCSF: Top Recipient of Funding from NIH Above All Other Public Research Universities

Posted by Dianna Matyola on Fri, Apr 12, 2019

The University of California at San Francisco has received, for the 12th consecutive year, the most funding from the National Institute of Health (NIH) of all public research universities in the United States.

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Tags: Life Sciences, nih research funding, Biotech Tradeshow, UCSF Parnassus, top funded

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