Are you a lab supply company interested in marketing your lab equipment to active life science reserachers in Houston? If so, Biotechnology Calendar, Inc. invites you to attend our Texas Medical Center life science marketing event coming up on January 29, 2015. Last year, this event attracted 452 life science professionals from 50 different research buildings and 79 departments at the Texas Medical Center. Of these attendees, 148 were professors and post docs, and 78 were lab managers. The balance of attendees were graduate students and other lab staff.
Read MoreTags: Texas Medical Center, Texas, 2015, tmc, BioResearch Product Faire Event, Houston
Whether leads at your life science tools and services company have been growing at a steady pace, or it’s been difficult to keep up with your goal of increasing lab sales, one market that no lab supplier should overlook is the Texas A&M, College Station market in southeast Texas. Biotechnology Calendar, Inc. organizes top of the line life science marketing events at Texas A&M on a yearly basis. The quality audiences that Biotechnology Calendar, Inc. events attracts, along with our specialized event staff, make for an enjoyable show experience where your sales staff can meet a higher percentage of leads in a professional, yet relaxed atmosphere. Why should you consider Texas A&M University in particular?
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Tags: Texas, 2015, College Station, TAMU, BioResearch Product Faire Event, Texas A&M
When we first released our price list for the 2015 shows, a typo was made for the price of attending the BioResearch Product Faire™ Event at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia. Typos happen, but now the price has been adjusted and is at the correct amount of $1,450, saving you $495 when purchasing.
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Tags: Northeast, Thomas Jefferson University, 2015, Philadelphia, BioResearch Product Faire Event, PA, life science equipment sales, ThomJeff, market life science products
Much like planning a road trip, reprogramming human stem cells relies on developing a list of sequential actions, or a “roadmap” of sorts, after which it is little more complicated than following the prescribed directions. Without an accurate roadmap for the human stem cells, however, researchers at University of California, Los Angeles had to develop their own.
Read MoreTags: CA, Stem Cells, Stem cell research, cancer research, Los Angeles, 2015, UCLA, BioResearch University, Biotechnology Vendor Showcase Event
Everyone who has ever sliced their finger instead of a vegetable or received a nasty paper cut knows that a skin infection can tend to make things a whole lot worse. Until recently, the absence of an infection was thought to rely solely on the activity of white blood cells (and the availability of anti-bacterial ointment). However, the skin could be getting a little healing help from fat cells, according to scientists at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine. Researchers at UCSD, led by Richard Gallo, M.D., Ph.D., professor and chief of dermatology, say that fat cells below the skin help protect us from bacteria by producing antimicrobial peptides that help fend off invading bacteria and other pathogens.
Read MoreTags: CA, California, 2015, SDVS, Research Funding, UC San Diego, Biotechnology Vendor Showcase Event
Researchers in Houston, mark your calendar and get ready for the upcoming 15th annual BioResearch Product Faire™ Event at the Texas Medical Center on January 29, 2015!
This event gives YOU, researchers from one of the biggest medical centers in the world, the opportunity to discover what new lab products and technologies are available to use in your labs. You will have the chance to:
- Meet with sales reps from your favorite supply companies, as well as new companies you have not before meet with, to find the best new products available.
- Meet other researchers from across campus to explore research concepts and get new ideas.
- Connect with industry professionals to get answers to you research technology questions.
- Establish new contacts and maintain and grow existing professional relationships.
Tags: Texas Medical Center, Texas, Southwest, 2015, tmc, BioResearch Product Faire Event, Houston, university lab equipment
Researchers at Colorado State University have received a blizzard of funding thanks to the philanthropy of two prominent Coloradoans. The largest cash donation in university history of $42.5 million donation has been made by philanthropists John and Leslie Malone, who made their fortune in the cable television industry, and will create a new center and associated programs for stem-cell and other regenerative medical research at CSU. $32.5 million will fund construction of a new building for the institute, while $10 million will fund operations. The $32.5 million gift requires a match of donations for construction and will launch CSU’s Institute for Biologic Translational Therapies to investigate new medical remedies for a variety of ailments in humans and animals.
Read MoreTags: breast cancer research, Stem cell research, Colorado State University, University of Colorado Boulder, Colorado State University Foothills Research, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Alzheimers, 2015, BioResearch Product Faire Event, CO, Frontline Event, Colorado
Southern California bioresearchers are getting more than just a dose of sunshine thanks to a boost in funding from the National Institute of Health. University of California, Los Angeles bioresearch is receiving $7.1 funding from the NIH for research in genetics. Researchers at UCLA, have been awarded $7.1 million as part of $28 million in NIH grants intended for the study of gene regulation. These awards emanate from the recently launched Genomics of Gene Regulation (GGR) program of the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), one of the 27 institutes and centers at the National Institutes of Health.
Read MoreTags: CA, University of California Los Angeles, Life Science Funding, Los Angeles, 2015, UCLA, Research Funding, Biotechnology Vendor Showcase, research grant, NIH grants
Breast cancer research recently got a nudge in the right direction with a little help from a pair of product development grants, totaling nearly $4 million. For the past seven years, scientists at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio have been searching for a way to “switch on” natural processes that are crucial to fighting breast cancer, and their efforts are starting to pay off. Read More
Tags: breast cancer research, University of Texas, Texas Medical Center, Southwest, UTAust, 2015, TAMU, tmc, BioResearch Product Faire Event, Research Funding, Houston, TX, Texas A&M
What happens when we forget something as precious as a personal memory? Is that memory just tucked away in some deep dark corner of our brain, along with all those passwords and telephone numbers…or is it completely erased from existence, never to cross our minds again? New bioresearch from UCLA may help to shed some light on that foggy brain and offer clues into the nature of long-term memory loss.
Read MoreTags: CA, University of California Los Angeles, California, Los Angeles, 2015, LAVS, UCLA, Biotechnology Vendor Showcase