Life Science Company and Industry News Briefs

Houston Researchers Invited to Find New Lab Equipment at January Product Faire

Posted by Laura Braden on Tue, Jan 13, 2015

Researchers in Houston, mark your calendar and get ready for the upcoming 15th annual BioResearch Product Faire™ Event at the Texas Medical Center on January 29, 2015!

This event gives YOU, researchers from one of the biggest medical centers in the world, the opportunity to discover what new lab products and technologies are available to use in your labs. You will have the chance to:

  • Meet with sales reps from your favorite supply companies, as well as new companies you have not before meet with, to find the best new products available. 
  • Meet other researchers from across campus to explore research concepts and get new ideas.
  • Connect with industry professionals to get answers to you research technology questions.
  • Establish new contacts and maintain and grow existing professional relationships.

 Researchers in Houston discuss new lab equipment with a science supply company sales rep.     Vendor shows in Texas help researchers find products that will help them in their labs.

Researchers from the 2014 14th annual event discuss available products with sales reps at the event. 

While you walk around and explore the products available, you will also have access to a free, fully catered lunch buffet that includes foods such as pizzas, sandwiches, fruits and veggies, coffee, tea, and lemonade. The food is available throughout the entire event, from 10:00-2:30, so there is no rush to be one of the first people to arrive to make sure you get a slice. What better place is there to spend your lunch break than at an event with free food and hundreds of friends and colleagues? 

Along with free food, there will also be door prizes and giveaways available. Everyone who attends will be eligible to enter for the chance to win an iPad Mini. The early-birds who attend the event will be able to get a new, popular Science Ninja t-shirt. Researchers love coming to the event every year to get a new shirt to add to their Science Ninja collection. Other small goodies will also be given away, and who knows, maybe some of the supply companies will have samples and their own goodies available for you. 

Life science researchers find new supplies and giveaways at vendor shows.   A happy researcher shows off his new Science Ninja shirt from a BCI event.   BCI events are great opportunities to find new products with friends from your research lab.

Researchers from past Biotechnology Calendar, Inc. events proudly show off their new Science Ninja t-shirts. 

At last years event, 452 researchers from 79 different life science departments and 50 different campus buildings attended the event. With so many researchers from different departments and buildings, this event is not only a great chance to see what new lab equipment is available, but also to interact with other researchers to make new connections and find out what different labs in the Texas Medical Center have been working on. 

Everyone involved in research is invited to attend this free event! You can either register the day of the event at the door, or register online in advance to save yourself time at the door. 

Find new lab supplies at the January Houston BioResearch Product Faire™ Event.Here is a recap of this great event: 

  • 15th annual BioResearch Product Faire™ Event
  • January 29, 2015 from 10:00am - 2:30pm
  • Texas Medical Center in Houston
  • The chance to see great new products
  • Awesome food in a free buffet
  • The chance to win fun door prizes
  • FREE for all researchers

To learn more about the event and pre-register, visit the following link: 



Tags: Texas Medical Center, Texas, Southwest, 2015, tmc, BioResearch Product Faire Event, Houston, university lab equipment

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