Clinical trials were recently conducted and proved promising for a Lyme Disease vaccine developed by science researchers at Stony Brook University. The vaccine proved to produce a large number of antibodies against all targeted species of Borrelia, which causes Lyme Disease in Europe and the United States. Baxter International S.A., who worked with Stony Brook University researchers to develop the vaccine, conducted the clinical trials.
Tags: 2014, 2013, Northeast, Lyme Disease, vaccine, New York, Stony Brook University, BioResearch Product Faire Event, NY, Stony Brook, research news, SunySB
Researchers at Rockefeller University, led by Brian Chait, have been awarded a $2.3 million grant by the NIH for the National Resource for the Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Biological Macromolecules. According to the Rockefeller University website, the National Resource for the Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Biological Macromolecules is now in its 39th year of receiving funding from the NIH. The abstract on the NIH RePORTER says of the project:
Tags: 2014, Rockefeller University, 2013, Northeast, New York, RockU, BioResearch Product Faire Event, NY, NIH funding, NIH grant, NIH award
Science researcher C. David Allis is head of the Laboratory of Chromatin Biology and Epigenetics at Rockefeller University, and he has been awarded a $1 million grant from the Starr Cancer Consortium. As the leader of one of five cancer research teams from New York City based members of the consortium, Allis was one of 27 people to submit a grant application and a member of one of five collaborative cancer research teams selected as a winner. The Starr Cancer Consortium gave out a total of $5 million dollars over two years.
Tags: 2014, Rockefeller University, 2013, Northeast, New York, RockU, BioResearch Product Faire Event, NY, cancer research funding, cancer research grant
After receiving $2 million in philanthropic gifts in honor of Thomas Hartman, the Thomas Hartman Center for Parkinson’s Research in the Stony Brook University Department of Neurobiology and Behavior was dedicated in a ceremony on June 13th, 2013. Thomas Hartman was a much loved priest, television and radio personality, and believer in many causes who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 2004.
Tags: 2014, 2013, Northeast, New York, Stony Brook University, BioResearch Product Faire Event, Research Funding, NY, Stony Brook, funding news, SunySB
Tags: 2014, 2013, Northeast, New York, Columbia University, Columbia, BioResearch Product Faire Event, NY, New York City
Researchers at Columbia University recently conducted a study aiming to identify an Alzheimer’s gene in African-Americans. The results were published in the April 10 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, and the study was funded by NIH research grants. African-Americans with the ABCA7 gene have almost twice the amount of risk of developing late-onset Alzheimer’s disease. According to a Columbia University news article, the gene is involved in producing cholesterol and lipids, and researchers believe that lipid metabolism may be a key pathway in Alzheimer’s disease in African-Americans, more so than it may be in white people.
Tags: 2014, 2013, Northeast, New York, Columbia University, Columbia, BioResearch Product Faire Event, NY, New York City
Lab suppliers marketing university lab equipment and hoping to increase scientific product sales may want to take a closer look at Stony Brook University’s latest research funding grants. Stony Brook University was recently awarded $2.45 million from the New York state government to fund programs are that have been designated as having “high need.” The government will be awarding $12 million to 36 SUNY colleges over the next three years.
Tags: 2014, 2013, Northeast, New York, Stony Brook University, BioResearch Product Faire Event, NY, Stony Brook, Stoneybrook, SunySB
If significant research is any indication of the quality of lab sales leads at life science marketing events held on Columbia University’s campus, this next story is worth reading about. Columbia University Medical Center researchers conducted a significant study that has identified a number of metabolic expression changes in the gene expression data from 22 tumor types. The analysis also points to hundreds of medications that could remove a tumor’s fuel supply or inhibit a tumor’s synthesis. The study was published in Nature Biotechnology.
Tags: 2014, 2013, Northeast, New York, Columbia University, Columbia, BioResearch Product Faire Event, Life Science Marketing, NY, Columbia University Medical Center, NYColumbia University
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center cell engineering researchers and their clinician colleagues have been in the news recently for a successful experimental cell therapy. Called targeted immunotherapy, a patient's T cells are genetically altered in the lab, then reintroduced with the directive to target and kill cancer cells. The treatment was carried out on a group of adults who all suffered from a rapidly progressing form of leukemia that had not responded to chemotherapy. All five went into remission after the novel cell treatment, and three have stayed that way for a number of months. Results of the ongoing clinical trial appeared in the March 20 online edition of the journal Science Translational Medicine, along with an article in the New York Times.
Tags: 2014, Rockefeller University, 2013, Northeast, Leukemia, immunotherapy, cancer research, New York, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Cancer Treatment, Immune System, Cell Research, RockU, BioResearch Product Faire Event, NY, New York City, MSKCC
Of the eleven scientists just announced as winners of the new Life Sciences Breakthrough Prize, four of them have their labs within a block or two of each other in Manhattan: two at Rockefeller University, one at Weill Cornell Medical College, and one at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. The prize, given to recognize past achievement in research aimed at curing disease and extending human life, comes with $3M to allow each of those researchers the freedom and flexibility to pursue even more groundbreaking work in the future. The founding sponsors of the prize are tech entrepreneurs Sergey Brin (Google) and Anne Wojcicki, Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook) and Priscilla Chan, Art Levinson (Apple), and Yuri Milner (venture capitalist). The 11 winners this year will serve on the board to choose 5 winners each in subsequent years.
Tags: 2014, Rockefeller University, 2013, Northeast, cancer research, women in science, New York, Weill Cornell, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, RockU, BioResearch Product Faire Event, NY, New York City, Cancer Center, Rockefeller