Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events
Tags: Biotechnology Calendar, Biotechnology Current Events, WI, University of Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin Madison, UW Madison, July, United States, 2015, BioResearch Product Faire Event, 1 day only, Life Sciences, Biotechnology, Madison, BioResearch Fair
Tags: Science, WI, United States, Physics, May, Symposium, 2015, Madison
Conference - Madison, WI, United States
ZDM7 will be held in Madison, WI June 28-July 1, 2014.
Tags: 2014, Stem Cells, June, USA, WI, July, Biology, Chemical Biology, Imaging, Life Sciences, Conference, Genetics, Madison
Tags: 2014, June, WI, Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin Madison, Development, Conference, Genetics, Madison
Tags: 2013, WI, University of Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin Madison, United States, September, University Park, BioResearch Product Faire Event, Madison, Research Park, Trade show
Conference - Milwaukee, WI, United States
The Medical College of Wisconsin is a major national research center, in fact, the largest research institution in the Milwaukee metro area and 2nd largest in Wisconsin.
Tags: Medical Research, 2012, WI, September, Healthcare, Milwaukee, Research Funding, Life Sciences, Conference, Research, science research, research scientists
Tags: 2012, WI, University Research, university research park, University of Wisconsin Madison, September, Seminar, Life Sciences, Biotechnology, Event, Madison
13th International Congress on Yeasts (ICY 2012) – Yeasts for a sustainable future
Conference - Madison, WI, US
The 13th International Congress on Yeasts is sponsored by the International Commission on Yeasts as part of the International Union of Microbiological Societies. The ICY has been held once every four years since 1955. It provides an opportunity for presenting the latest research progress in yeast metabolism, physiology, genetics, genomics, regulation, ecology, systematics, phylogeny, food and beverage applications, biofuel production and clinical applications.
(Courtesy of
Tags: biofuels, cell biology, 2012, WI, Congress, August, US, Life Sciences, Conference, Genomics, Genetics, Research, Ecology, Madison
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