Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events
Tags: Research Symposia, July, Biology, Symposium, Metabolism, Amsterdam, 2015, Life Science
Conference - Steamboat Springs, CO, United States
This 2014 FASEB Science Research Conference focuses on recent advances in our understanding of lipid-regulated signal transduction cascades, lipid mediators, and lipid targets that are known to play major roles in the initiation and progression of human cancers.
Tags: 2014, Cancer, July, United States, Research Conference, Steamboat Springs, Life Sciences, Conference, science research, CO
Conference - Snowmass, CO, United States
This FASEB Science Research Conference focuses on recent advances in the methods for protein structure analysis.
Tags: 2014, cell biology, Protein Research, July, United States, Research Conference, Protein, Snowmass, Life Sciences, Conference, science research, CO
Conference - Saxtons River, VT, United States
FASEB SRC offers a continuing series of inter-disciplinary exchanges that are recognized as a valuable complement to the highly successful society meetings.
Tags: 2014, cell biology, July, United States, August, Research Conference, VT, Life Sciences, Conference, science research
Webinar - Online
Completing clinical and site visit trip reports electronically through a clinical trial management system (CTMS) saves sponsors and research organizations time and money.
Tags: 2014, Biotechnology Current Events, July, Webinar, clinical trials, Life Sciences, Biotechnology
Conference - Athens, Greece
The Chemistry Research Unit of the Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER) will hold its 2nd Annual International Conference on Chemistry, 21-24 July 2014, Athens, Greece.
Tags: 2014, July, Greece, Chemical Sciences, Chemistry, Conference, Research, Athens
Conference - Sydney, Australia
This year, InCoB will be held earlier from 31st July to 2nd August 2014 to run back-to-back with the International Biophysics Congress 2014 at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre, Queensland (3-7 Aug).
Tags: 2014, Bioinformatics, July, August, Australia, Sydney, Life Sciences, Conference
Course - Cold Spring Harbor, NY, United States
Synthetic biology is a discipline wherein living organisms are genetically programmed to carry out desired functions in a reliable manner.
Tags: 2014, synthetic biology, Biochemistry, July, United States, August, Cold Spring Harbor, Biological Chemistry, Life Sciences, NY, laboratory
Conference - Singapore, Singapore
Pathology is the science of the causes and effects of diseases, esp. the branch of medicine that deals with the laboratory examination of samples of body tissue for diagnostic or forensic purposes.
Tags: 2014, July, Singapore, Medicine, Research Conference, Pathology, Life Sciences, Conference, Research
Conference - Itasca, IL, United States
For decades after its discovery, DNA was believed to be a canonical, right-handed double helix. This belief was shaken by the findings that DNA structure is much more dynamic.
Tags: 2014, biomedical research, DNA Sequencing, DNA Research, July, Biology, United States, Research Conference, Itasca, Life Sciences, Conference, Genetics, science research, IL