Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events
Tags: 2013, Biotechnology Current Events, germany, Symposium, Berlin, December, Life Sciences, Biotechnology, Stem Cell
Conference - Berlin, Germany
The meeting will provide a forum for scientists across multiple disciplines, from both industry and academia, to connect and share complementary perspectives.
Tags: 2014, Drug Discovery, Biotech Event, Pharmacology, Protein Research, Medicine, Protein, germany, May, Chemistry, Berlin, Summit, Life Sciences, Conference, Drug Development
Tags: 2013, November, cell biology, Cell Research, germany, Quality Control, Cologne, Life Sciences
Tags: 2013, November, Drug Discovery, Healthcare, germany, Munich, Biomarkers, Life Sciences, Conference, biotech
Tags: 2013, November, Healthcare, germany, Development, Summit, Dusseldorf, Life Sciences
Tags: 2013, November, Bioinformatics, cell biology, Biochemistry, Plant science, Immune System, Physiology, Systems Biology, Molecular Cell Biology, germany, Development, Symposium, Heidelberg, Evolution and Ecology, Computational Biology, Structural Biology, Life Sciences, Genetics
Tags: 2013, November, Stem cell research, cell biology, germany, Berlin, Life Sciences, Conference, Stem Cell
Tags: 2013, November, germany, Heidelberg, Genome, Life Sciences, Genetics
Conference - Heidelberg, Germany
This conference will provide an opportunity to learn about, and keep up-to-date with, the rapidly progressing area of cancer genomics.
Tags: 2013, November, cancer research, Cancer, Systems Biology, germany, Heidelberg, Life Sciences, Conference, Genomics