Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Foundations for cellular experiments - Тraining Course

Posted on Nov 23, 2013 9:42:00 AM

Foundations for cellular experiments

Course - Cologne, Germany

This 2-day training course focuses on the basic elements that determine the result of any cell biology experiment: sample preparation, cell isolation, and quality control. In small training groups, attendees will get theoretical information as well as comprehensive hands-on experience. The course will cover the cell research workflow with an emphasis on efficient methods to optimize the reproducibility and reliability of your analyses. The modern training facilities, international training groups, and interactive and friendly atmosphere will help attendees get the most out of their training experience. With many practical tips, this course is beneficial for people new to the field as well as experienced cell researchers who wish to streamline their analyses and optimize their experimental results.

Organization: Miltenyi Biotec


(Courtesy of Isolation of clonogenic colonies from single cells, via

Foundations for cellular experiments

Wed, Nov 27, 2013 - Thu, Nov 28, 2013

MACS Academy

Miltenyi Biotec GmbH, Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 68, Bergisch Gladbach/Cologne, Germany

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Tags: 2013, November, cell biology, Cell Research, germany, Quality Control, Cologne, Life Sciences

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