The State of Washington is home to some of the world’s top Research Institutions.
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Are you a lab supplier working to sell lab equipment in Seattle? If so, you may be interested to know that the University of Washington receives a wealth of life science research funding every year, and there’s an easy way to meet researchers interested in purchasing lab equipment on campus. Biotechnology Calendar, Inc. organizes life science marketing events on the campuses of top-tier research institutions throughout the year. Our Seattle BioResearch Product Faire™ Event will be held on October 24th, 2013.
Tags: 2013, Washington, sell lab equipment, University of Washington, WA, University of Washington Seattle, WSU, Seattle, Hutch, Pullman
Researchers at the University of Washington, Seattle, led by Mary Disis, MD, recently received a $9 million grant from the NIH for the school’s Institute of Translational Health Sciences this year. According to the University of Washington’s website, some of Disis’s published works include studies published in Cancer Research, the Journal of Immunology, and Clinical Cancer Research. The NIH RePORTER includes the following information about the institute receiving the $9 million NIH grant:
Tags: 2013, Washington, University of Washington, WA, University of Washington Seattle, Seattle
Ever since the 1940s, scientists, researchers, and medical professionals alike have been striving to understand why human bodies reject foreign objects, namely transplants. The first research to be done on this topic was by British researcher Peter Medawar during this time period, and for his founding of this scientific field of transplantation biology he received a Nobel Prize.
Tags: 2013, Washington, UW, University of Washington, WA, Seattle
Researchers at the University of Washington and the University of California, Riverside have received $2 million in the form of a four-year grant from the NIH to identify the 3-D structure of the parasite that causes malaria, Plasmodium's, genome during its erythrocytic cycle. According to News Medical, this cycle takes place over 48 hours and can repeat for a number of days or even weeks in humans.
Tags: 2013, University of California Riverside, University of Washington, Seattle, UCR
Biotechnology vendors and lab suppliers in Seattle will find one of the best markets in the country for laboratory equipment sales at the University of Washington, Seattle, as recent NIH and NSF research funding statistics show. In 2012, the NIH awarded the university $442.5 million in research funding. The funding was distributed among a number of different projects in various science disciplines. Of the best-funded departments awarded research funding at the University of Washington, the money was awarded as listed below. For a full list of NIH-funded departments, please visit the NIH website.
Tags: 2013, Washington, University of Washington, University of Washington Seattle, Seattle
Attention Life Science Exhibitors, you have three chances to visit one of our upcoming shows in the State of Washington. Washington is an important state for research and a large grant market for laboratory supply companies between Washington State, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, and the University of Washington, Seattle.
Tags: Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Washington University, University of Washington, WSU, Biotechnology Current Events, Washington State University, 2012, Seattle, Hutch
Discoveries are being made in Washington's research laboratories that have potential to greatly improve the quality and length of lives throughout the world and Biotechnology Calendar takes pride in knowing that our events are one of the forces that drives this research forward.
Tags: Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, University of Washington, WA, WSU, Washington State University, 2012, Seattle, Hutch