Course - Heidelberg, Germany
This five day practical course covers advanced light microscopy techniques and participants will learn how to derive qualitative and quantitative insights on molecular mechanisms in cells and developing organisms.
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Course - Heidelberg, Germany
This five day practical course covers advanced light microscopy techniques and participants will learn how to derive qualitative and quantitative insights on molecular mechanisms in cells and developing organisms.
Tags: 2014, Microbiology, Microscopy, July, germany, Heidelberg, Imaging, Life Sciences
Conference - Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
The joint conference will cover a wide range of topics related to functional imaging of nanomaterials by various techniques including Scanning Probe Microscopy (Piezoresponse Force Microscopy – PFM, Electrochemical Strain Microscopy – ESM, Kelvin Probe Microscopy – KPM), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Optical Microscopy (Confocal Microscopy – CM, Scanning Near-Field Optical Microscopy – SNOM, Raman Microscopy – RM).
Tags: 2014, Microscopy, Nanoscience, University Research, July, Physics, Russian Federation, Imaging, Conference, scientific conference
Course - Bristol, United Kingdom
This EMBO Practical Course aims to train young scientists in the available techniques in the field of life science Correlative Light Electron Microscopy.
Tags: 2014, Microscopy, UK, July, Molecular Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Bristol, Life Sciences
Course - Heidelberg, Germany
This five-day course will provide the participants with an overview about the basics of microscopy (light and optics, contrast techniques and imaging).
Tags: 2014, June, Microbiology, Microscopy, germany, Heidelberg, Imaging, Life Sciences
Course - Woods Hole, MA, United States
The Physiology Course has a rich history, dating back to 1892, of training the leaders in biology and generating Nobel Prize experiments.
Tags: 2014, June, cell biology, Microscopy, July, Physiology, United States, Woods Hole, Marine Biology, Computational Biology, Life Sciences, MA, laboratory
Workshop - Prague, Czech Republic
Workshops Topics are:
Various Ways of Structural Characterization as a Tool for Drug Development.
Elucidating Interface and Surface Properties of Materials, Crystal Growth and Phase Diagrams and their Association to API Solubilization Performance.
Tags: 2014, June, Microscopy, Physics, Chemical Sciences, pharmceutical, Czech Republic, Prague, Imaging, Biomaterials
Meeting - Chicago, IL, United States
Purpose of the Workshop To provide intensive, hands-on training in the cutting-edge technologies of confocal microscopy and design-based stereology.
Tags: 2014, Regenerative Medicine, Bioscience, Microscopy, Workshop, Research Meeting, August, US, Chicago, Life Sciences, IL
Tags: 2014, science current events, Microscopy, flow cytometry, Immunology, USA, Congress, May, FL, Life Sciences, Conference
Tags: 2014, Microscopy, April, United States, Woods Hole, Marine Biology, May, Life Sciences, MA, laboratory, lab research
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