Conference - Barcelona, Spain
The conference will feature two days of plenary seminars by experts in the field of LightSheet Fluorescence Microscopy (LSFM) and presentations of selected abstracts from the scientific community.
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Conference - Barcelona, Spain
The conference will feature two days of plenary seminars by experts in the field of LightSheet Fluorescence Microscopy (LSFM) and presentations of selected abstracts from the scientific community.
Tags: 2014, Microscopy, Workshop, September, Imaging, Barcelona, Spain, Conference
Course - Heidelberg, Germany
This course is aimed at Technicians and Scientists interested in the generation of transgenic animals. Participants should have basic experience with eukaryotic cells and microscopy.
Tags: 2014, cell biology, Microscopy, animal science, September, germany, Heidelberg, Life Sciences, laboratory
Course - Bangalore, India
The VIth Bangalore Microscopy Course will be organized at the National Centre for Biological Sciences, NCBS, Bangalore, India.
Tags: 2014, science current events, cell biology, Microscopy, September, India, Research India, Bangalore, Life Sciences
Course - Heidelberg, Germany
The objective of this course is to introduce effective methods for doing research in the field of systems biology.
Tags: 2014, Microscopy, September, Systems Biology, germany, Heidelberg, Biophysics, Life Sciences
Course - Woods Hole, MA, United States
This course is designed primarily for research scientists, postdoctoral trainees, and advanced graduate students in animal, plant, medical, and material sciences. Non-biologists seeking a comprehensive introduction to microscopy and digital imaging will benefit greatly from the course.
Tags: 2014, biomedical sciences, Microscopy, Woods Hole, Marine Biology, US, September, Imaging, Life Sciences, MA, laboratory, lab research, research laboratories
Workshop - Seattle, WA, United States
Fluorescence microscopy has undergone a revolution in recent years and super-resolution imaging methods now allow researchers to probe the nanometer-scale organization of biological systems with rich molecular detail.
Tags: 2014, University of Washington, WA, cell biology, Microscopy, Workshop, August, US, Life Sciences, Seattle
Course - Cold Spring Harbor, NY, United States
Advances in light microscopy, digital image processing, and the development of a variety of powerful fluorescent probes present expanding opportunities for investigating the nervous system, from synaptic spines to networks in the brain.
Tags: 2014, Microscopy, Biochemistry, July, United States, August, Cold Spring Harbor, Biological Chemistry, Imaging, Neuroscience, Life Sciences, NY, laboratory
Course - Dresden, Germany
Light-sheet microscopy is an emerging technology that enables imaging of biological specimens with minimal photo-damage.
Tags: 2014, Microscopy, August, Developmental Biology, germany, Development, Dresden, Life Sciences
Course - Heidelberg, Germany
This five day advanced course on fluorescence super-resolution microscopy will cover the theory and practical application of current super-resolution microscopy techniques to biological questions.
Tags: 2014, Microscopy, July, germany, Heidelberg, Life Sciences
Conference - Singapore
Anatomy remains the fundamental pre-requisite of medical, dental and veterinary science.
Tags: 2014, Microscopy, July, Singapore, Medicine, veterinary science, Conference
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