Lectures - La Jolla, CA, United States
"Phosphoinositide Kinases and Disease"
"Cancer Metabolism"
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Lectures - La Jolla, CA, United States
"Phosphoinositide Kinases and Disease"
"Cancer Metabolism"
Tags: CA, University of California San Diego, University of California, March, United States, La Jolla, Lecture, 2016
Tags: CA, University of California San Diego, University of California, Protein Research, United States, 2015, February, San Diego, UCSD research, UCSD, La Jolla, Life Science, Lecture
Lecture - London, United Kingdom
The Royal Society GlaxoSmithKline Prize and Lecture is awarded biennially for original contributions to medical and veterinary sciences.
Tags: 2014, cancer research, United Kingdom, Cancer, Medicine, September, London, veterinary science, Life Sciences, Lecture
Lecture - Tunis, Tunisia
The course is about how to analyze and interpret NGS data. A particular focus will be made on infectious/parasitic diseases NGS applications. We will specifically use parasite datasets to provide examples and hints for the interpretation of NGS datasets in a transcriptomic and/or genomic context.
Tags: 2014, infectious diseases, September, Systems Biology, Tunisia, Tunis, Life Sciences, Lecture
Lecture - Bangalore, India
Understanding immunology and mechanisms underlying immunological responses is the key to immunotherapy.
Tags: 2014, Immunology, July, India, Research India, Bangalore, Life Sciences, Lecture
Course - Cold Spring Harbor, NY, United States
This laboratory/lecture course is intended for researchers at all levels from beginning graduate students through established primary investigators who want to use Drosophila as an experimental system for nervous system investigation.
Tags: 2014, June, Biochemistry, July, US, Cold Spring Harbor, Biological Chemistry, Neurobiology, Neuroscience, Life Sciences, laboratory, Lecture, research laboratories
Course - Woods Hole, MA, United States
The Summer Program in Neuroscience, Ethics & Survival (SPINES) provides a rich experience in neuroscience.
Tags: 2014, June, July, Woods Hole, Marine Biology, Educational Event, US, Neuroscience, Life Sciences, MA, laboratory, lab research, Lecture, research laboratories, lab
Lecture - London, United Kingdom
All the organs of our body originate from small founder populations of cells which multiply into complex structures.
Tags: 2014, Stem Cells, June, cell biology, United Kingdom, London, Life Sciences, Lecture
Tags: 2014, Greece, Molecular Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, May, Life Sciences, Lecture
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