Course - Heidelberg, Germany
This course was developed with biologists as intended audience in mind.
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Course - Heidelberg, Germany
This course was developed with biologists as intended audience in mind.
Tags: 2014, June, Bioinformatics, germany, Heidelberg, Life Sciences, Research
Congress - Heidelberg, Germany
Session topics will include regulation of metastasis by immune cells and inflammation, therapy-induced metastasis, circulating metastasis biomarkers, dormancy, and the "omics" and systems medicine of metastasis.
Tags: 2014, June, Cancer, Congress, July, germany, Heidelberg, Life Sciences, Research
Course - Heidelberg, Germany
This five-day course will provide the participants with an overview about the basics of microscopy (light and optics, contrast techniques and imaging).
Tags: 2014, June, Microbiology, Microscopy, germany, Heidelberg, Imaging, Life Sciences
Conference - Heidelberg, Germany
The aim of this conference series is to gather established and young researchers from all over the world who have substantially contributed to the microtubule field in recent years to generate an integrative perspective that assembles different scientific approaches around the microtubule field.
Tags: 2014, cell biology, germany, May, Heidelberg, Life Sciences, Conference
Tags: 2014, Molecular Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, germany, May, Symposium, Heidelberg, Life Sciences
Tags: 2014, infectious diseases, Medicine, Biology, germany, May, Heidelberg, Pathology, Life Sciences, Conference, Research
Tags: 2014, germany, May, Heidelberg, Imaging, biology research, Research, research laboratories
Tags: 2014, Molecular Biology, germany, Heidelberg, October, Life Sciences, Genetics, laboratory, research laboratories, genomics research
Tags: 2014, Stem Cells, Cancer, Immune System, Molecular Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, germany, May, Symposium, Heidelberg, Life Sciences
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