Course - Heidelberg, Germany
This course is aimed at Technicians and Scientists interested in the generation of transgenic animals. Participants should have basic experience with eukaryotic cells and microscopy.
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Course - Heidelberg, Germany
This course is aimed at Technicians and Scientists interested in the generation of transgenic animals. Participants should have basic experience with eukaryotic cells and microscopy.
Tags: 2014, cell biology, Microscopy, animal science, September, germany, Heidelberg, Life Sciences, laboratory
Course - Heidelberg, Germany
The analysis of transcripts in minute samples is often used to increase the knowledge in a plethora of research fields.
Tags: 2014, September, Molecular Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, germany, Heidelberg, Life Sciences, Genetics
Course - Heidelberg, Germany
The objective of this course is to introduce effective methods for doing research in the field of systems biology.
Tags: 2014, Microscopy, September, Systems Biology, germany, Heidelberg, Biophysics, Life Sciences
Course - Heidelberg, Germany
The course provides theoretical and practical training covering the full breadth of cryo-electron microscopy techniques from sample preparation to data collection to image processing.
Tags: 2014, August, September, Molecular Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, germany, Heidelberg, Life Sciences
Symposium - Heidelberg, Germany
Epithelia are the major building blocks of tissues. Specialised epithelial cells constitute the dominant executors of tissue-specific physiological functions.
Tags: 2014, cell biology, August, Molecular Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, germany, Symposium, Heidelberg, Life Sciences
Conference - Heidelberg, Germany
The EMBL Transcription and Chromatin meeting has a long-standing tradition in shaping the field of transcriptional regulation.
Tags: 2014, August, Molecular Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, germany, Heidelberg, Life Sciences, Conference, Genetics
Conference - Heidelberg, Germany
This conference provides a platform for the broad audience in the field of chemical biology to interact.
Tags: 2014, Biochemistry, August, germany, Chemical Sciences, Heidelberg, Chemical Biology, Proteins, Life Sciences, Conference
Course - Heidelberg, Germany
This five day advanced course on fluorescence super-resolution microscopy will cover the theory and practical application of current super-resolution microscopy techniques to biological questions.
Tags: 2014, Microscopy, July, germany, Heidelberg, Life Sciences
Conference - Heidelberg, Germany
Microfluidics is a quickly growing, highly interdisciplinary field at the interface of physics, engineering, chemistry and biology.
Tags: 2014, July, Molecular Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, germany, Heidelberg, Life Sciences, Conference, Genomics
Course - Heidelberg, Germany
This five day practical course covers advanced light microscopy techniques and participants will learn how to derive qualitative and quantitative insights on molecular mechanisms in cells and developing organisms.
Tags: 2014, Microbiology, Microscopy, July, germany, Heidelberg, Imaging, Life Sciences
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