Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events
Tags: Bioinformatics, September, Japan, 2015, Tokyo, Life Sciences, Conference
Tags: April, pharmaceutical, Chemical Biology, Japan, 2015, Tokyo, Life Sciences, Conference, exhibition, Pharma
Tags: Science, March, Workshop, Physics, Japan, 2015, Tokyo, science current event
With opening key-notes by Niels Birbaumer and Leigh Hochberg, as well as invited talks by Eberhard Fetz, José Carmena, Nick Ramsey and many other top-scientists in the field, the 2015 International Workshop on Clinical BMI Systems promises to become once again an important milestone meeting for catalyzing advances in basic research and clinical applications.
Tags: University Research, brain research, March, Workshop, Japan, 2015, Tokyo, Neuroscience, Life Sciences, Conference
We are expecting approximately 300 scientists will attend the proposed meeting
from the academic, industry and regulatory areas.
Tags: Medicine, Symposium, Japan, 2015, February, Tokyo, Life Sciences
Tags: 2014, Drug Discovery, December, Japan, Tokyo, biological, Engineering, Conference, Life Science
Symposium - Tokyo, Japan
A goal of this symposium will be to provide a forum to exchange innovative ideas to tackle the unifying questions at the interface of clocks, metabolism, and sleep.
Tags: 2014, September, Symposium, Japan, Tokyo, Neuroscience, Life Sciences
Tags: 2014, science current events, Pharmacology, March, Development, Symposium, Japan, Tokyo, Life Sciences, Conference
Tags: 2014, Congress, Japan, February, Tokyo, Life Sciences, Genomics, Genetics
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