Conference - Niagara Falls, NY, United States
FASEB SRC offers a continuing series of inter-disciplinary exchanges that are recognized as a valuable complement to the highly successful society meetings.
Conference - Niagara Falls, NY, United States
FASEB SRC offers a continuing series of inter-disciplinary exchanges that are recognized as a valuable complement to the highly successful society meetings.
Tags: 2014, June, Cancer, US, Research Conference, Metabolism, Niagara Falls, Life Sciences, Conference, Research, NY
Conference - London, United Kingdom
This event will highlight and discuss recent advances in strategies for controlling stem cell fate and reprogramming.
Tags: 2014, June, Drug Discovery, Regenerative Medicine, United Kingdom, Medicine, London, Life Sciences, Conference, Event, Stem Cell
Conference - Riga, Latvia
The Institute of Polymer Mechanics (IPM) of the University of Latvia was founded in 1963 and is a non-profit scientific research institution.
Tags: 2014, June, University Research, scientific research, Riga, Latvia, Engineering, Conference
Workshop - Naples, Italy
The development of molecular imaging has been a revolution in cell biology.
Tags: 2014, June, cell biology, Biochemistry, Workshop, Molecular Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Italy, Imaging, Naples, Life Sciences
Meeting - Salamanca, Spain
The International Nidovirus Symposia are held every three years to assemble scientists from around the world who are doing research on Nidoviruses.
Tags: 2014, June, Virology, Microbiology, Research Meeting, Symposium, Spain, Life Sciences, Research
Conference - Manchester, United Kingdom
Research in biological catalysis is undergoing major changes and the field is expanding owing to integration of efforts across different disciplines and application of state-of-the-art methods.
Tags: 2014, June, United Kingdom, Development, Manchester, Life Sciences, Conference, Research
Conference - London, United Kingdom
The 2014 Tissue Engineering Congress will be held in London, United Kingdom on June 2-4, 2014.
Tags: 2014, June, Regenerative Medicine, Biotechnology Current Events, United Kingdom, Congress, London, Engineering, Life Sciences, Conference, Biotechnology, Stem Cell
Conference - Nassau, Bahamas
FASEB SRC offers a continuing series of inter-disciplinary exchanges that are recognized as a valuable complement to the highly successful society meetings.
Tags: 2014, June, cell biology, Research Conference, Bahamas, Life Sciences, Conference
Course - Hinxton, Cambridge, United Kingdom
This residential course aims to give researchers of any discipline a broad introduction to the theoretical, practical and organisational aspects of small molecule drug discovery.
Tags: 2014, June, Drug Discovery, Pharmacology, UK, Biology, Chemistry, Hinxton, Life Sciences, Cambridge
Workshop - Principina Terra (Grosseto), Italy
The EMBO Workshop aims at bringing together scientists involved in theoretical and technological advancements of methodologies in magnetic resonance.
Tags: 2014, biomedical research, June, Workshop, Systems Biology, Molecular Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Italy, Life Sciences