Life Science Company and Industry News Briefs

Thomas Jefferson University Receives $48 Million in NIH Funding

Posted by Robert Larkin on Fri, Apr 03, 2015

philly1Biotechnology vendors and lab suppliers interested in selling products in Philadelphia will find a lucrative market in Thomas Jefferson University, according to recent funding statistics from the National Institutes of Health.

Researchers at Thomas Jefferson University are conducting active research in multiple life science fields, including oncology, neurology, pediatrics, and a host of other disciplines that require millions in annual R&D expenditures.

In 2014, the NIH awarded 159 grants to Thomas Jefferson University totaling more than $48.4 million in research funding. Below we have highlighted a few of the notable contributions to various life science departments at TJU. For a full list of departments and funding, visit the NIH website.

2014 NIH Life Science Funding at Thomas Jefferson University:

  •       Biochemistry – 16 awards, $4.9 million
  •       Microbiology – 38 awards, $12 million
  •       Pathology- 20 awards, $6.7 million
  •       Neurosciences- 17 awards, $4.5 million

Recent research news from Thomas Jefferson University:

Philadelphia Researchers Uncover 3,400 New miRNA Locations in the Human Genome

Bioresearchers at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia recently uncovered 3,400 new locations in the human genome that also produce miRNA molecules, offering up more options for further research into the relationship between miRNA and disease...


TJU Researchers Repurpose HIV Drug for Prostate Cancer

Researchers at Thomas Jefferson University may have found the ticket to helping men fight prostate cancer more efficiently and over a longer period of time...


Thomas Jefferson University Receives $110 Million Gift To Enhance Medical School

Earlier this year, the Thomas Jefferson University Medical School received a remarkable donation of $110 million dollars. This donation, from the Sidney Kimmel Foundation, renamed the medical school to the Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University and will help enrich the school's facilities, students, faculty, and research...


Research Lab Science Advances under New Thomas Jefferson U. Vision

Thomas Jefferson University is on the forefront of research lab science and healthcare development. Although the university is based in Philadelphia, Thomas Jefferson administrators and research lab scientists envision the school breaking out into the global science research market...01-thomjeffPhiladelphia’s leading life science researchers will be attending the 6th Annual BioResearch Product Faire™ Event at Thomas Jefferson University on Wednesday, May 16 to network and investigate the latest biotech and lab supplies for their studies.

What sets Biotechnology Calendar, Inc. events apart from other life science trade show events?

1) BCI markets your products directly to researchers through extensive pre show publicity, on site, in email, in blogs and across our social media network.

2) BCI events feature perks like concierge service and extensive catering to ensure a more relaxed and positive experience.

3) BCI holds events at top-level research institutions and universities, attended by active and decision-making science professionals.

4) BCI offers guaranteed placement for each event at carefully chosen prime venues - in close proximity to relevant researchers. 

5) BCI events save time and money by offering free Exhibitor manuals to aid in finding accommodations, driving and parking at facilities, as well as parking validation.

The 6th Annual BioResearch Product Faire™ Event at Thomas Jefferson University puts vendors in touch with hundreds of active scientists, researchers and educators from TJU and surrounding areas who are interested in cutting-edge biotechnologies and lab supplies.

For more information on marketing your products directly to researchers in the TJU life science marketplace, click below:


For a full schedule of 2015 Biotechnology Calendar, Inc. Events, click here: 

Tags: Pennsylvania, Thomas Jefferson University, 2015, Philadelphia, BioResearch Product Faire Event, PA, NIH funding, NIH grants, ThomJeff

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