Symposium - Long Branch, NJ, United States
Merck's 17th Annual Technology Symposium Will Bring Together Over 700 Scientists From Across Merck.
Symposium - Long Branch, NJ, United States
Merck's 17th Annual Technology Symposium Will Bring Together Over 700 Scientists From Across Merck.
Tags: 2013, USA, May, Symposium, NJ, Long Branch, Research, current technology events, Life Science
Tags: CA, 2013, Bioresearch, USA, Immune System, May, San Diego, Life Sciences, current science events, biotech, Biotech current events
Tags: CA, November, Medical Research, AIDS Research, Pharmacology, Translational Research, USA, Immune System, Research Meeting, San Francisco, Conference, Life Science
Tags: 2013, USA, Cancer, Systems Biology, May, CT, biology research, New Haven, Life Sciences, Conference, current science events
Tags: 2013, biomedical research, Bioinformatics, USA, Woods Hole, May, Life Sciences, MA, laboratory, research laboratories
Conference - Woods Hole, MA, United States
We are please to announce the dates for the 13th annual Woods Hole Immunoparasitolgy Meeting (WHIP) which is scheduled for Sunday, April 19 – Wednesday, April 22 and will be held at the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) in Woods Hole, Massachusetts.
Tags: 2013, biomedical research, USA, April, Research Meeting, Woods Hole, Life Sciences, Conference, Research, current science events, MA, laboratory, research laboratories
Tags: CA, 2013, November, USA, Research Symposia, brain research, Symposium, Neuroscience, San Diego, Life Sciences, Research
Tags: 2013, Biotechnology Current Events, USA, May, Boston, Life Sciences, Conference, Genomics, Biotechnology, MA
Tags: 2013, USA, chemistry research, May, Florida, Engineering, Conference, current technology events