Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

What Will it Take to Achieve an AIDS-free World?

Posted on Apr 27, 2013 1:09:00 AM

What Will it Take to Achieve an AIDS-free World?

Conference - San Francisco, CA, USA

Join us for our inaugural translational medicine conference: What Will it Take to Achieve an AIDS-free World?, which will bring the audiences and Editors of The Lancet and Cell together to bridge the gap between clinicians and researchers focused on understanding, managing, preventing and curing HIV/AIDS. Our meeting will combine the contributions of basic researchers, physicians, policy leaders and industry scientists working on the disease. World-renowned speakers with a broad range of expertise across interlocking fields of HIV research and clinical practice will come together to provide opportunities for knowledge exchange and synergy to accelerate progress in addressing the disease. Unlike other meetings, the Editors of Cell and The Lancet will curate sessions that are designed to capture the energy at the interface between basic researchers and physicians that we hope will start new conversations and catalyze the development of new translational approaches and solutions.

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(Courtesy of The Westin St Francis City Cente,

Preliminary program avaiaible here:

November 3, 2013 - November 5, 2013 (12.00 - 18.00)

The Westin St. Francis, San Francisco, CA, USA

Contact: Amy McCormac (

Phone: +44 1865 843643

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Tags: CA, November, Medical Research, AIDS Research, Pharmacology, Translational Research, USA, Immune System, Research Meeting, San Francisco, Conference, Life Science

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