Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

3rd Flow Chemistry Congress

Posted on Apr 2, 2013 8:58:00 AM

Flow Chemistry Congress

Conference - Boston, Massachusetts, USA

The 3rd Flow Chemistry Congress of the Flow Chemistry Society aims to unite and represent those who are actively working on this rapidly developing field. As the societies main meeting, it is dedicated to the integration of flow chemistry into everyday practice throughout the world by delivering the latest knowledge and making it available for the entire chemistry community. Hot topics such as Meso Flow Chemistry, Microfluidic Chemistry and New Directions in Flow Chemistry will also be covered. Running alongside the conference will be an exhibition covering the latest technological advances and associated services within this field. Keynote Speakers: • Timothy Jamison, Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology • Klavs Jensen, Professor, Massachussetts Institute of Technology • Oliver Kappe, Professor, Karl Franzens University of Graz • Paul Watts, Professor & Research Chair in Microfluidic Bio/Chemical Processing, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University

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(Courtesy of logo of Congress, via

For more information visit:

14 May 2013 - 15 May 2013

Revere Hotel Boston, 200 Stuart Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02116, USA

Contact: Sara Spencer (

Phone: (+44 (0) 1787 314956 )

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Tags: 2013, Biotechnology Current Events, USA, chemistry research, April, Congress, Boston, Life Sciences, Conference, Biotechnology, MA

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