Conference - Keystone, CO, United States
The purpose of the meeting is to analyze all recent developments in this very exciting field and build bridges towards translational applications with therapeutic significance for liver disease.
Conference - Keystone, CO, United States
The purpose of the meeting is to analyze all recent developments in this very exciting field and build bridges towards translational applications with therapeutic significance for liver disease.
Tags: 2014, cell biology, July, US, Research Conference, Keystone, Life Sciences, Conference, Stem Cell, science research, CO
Conference - London, United Kingdom
SMi is launching its inaugural Immunogenicity Conference, taking place in London on the 14th and 15th July.
Tags: 2014, United Kingdom, July, pharmaceutical, Chemical Sciences, Chemistry, London, Conference
Course - Hinxton, Cambridge, United Kingdom
This popular course provides a concentrated examination of the molecular basis of neurological diseases and strategies being developed for their treatment.
Tags: 2014, Translational Research, United Kingdom, July, Hinxton, Neuroscience, Life Sciences, Cambridge, Neurology
Congress - Seattle, WA, United States
The SDB 73rd Annual Meeting will feature three plenary sessions, nine concurrent symposia, Education Symposium, Hilde Mangold Postdoctoral Symposium, Technical workshops and dedicated posters/exhibits sessions.
Tags: 2014, University of Washington, WA, Congress, July, United States, Developmental Biology, Development, Life Sciences, Seattle
Conference - Manchester, United Kingdom
This meeting will discuss the latest results in the synthesis, characterisation and modelling of colloidal quantum dots and other nano crystals, and their applications.
Tags: 2014, nanoparticle, Optics, United Kingdom, July, Manchester, Conference
Workshop - Lago di Como, Italy
The major topic of the NPlast summer school is on basic mechanisms of neuronal plasticity.
The capacity of the nervous system to modify its own organization is remarkable; plastic changes can occur as a consequence of many events, including the normal development and maturation of the organism, the acquisition of new skills ('learning') and after brain damage.
Tags: 2014, July, Workshop, Neurobiology, Italy, Neuroscience, Life Sciences
Course - Long Beach, CA, United States
This intensive two-part course, taught by world-renowned immunologists, provides a comprehensive overview of the basics of immunology.
Tags: 2014, CA, Immunology, July, United States, Long Beach, Life Sciences
Conference - Nassau, Bahamas
This Science Research Conference focuses on recent advances in our understanding of how dynamic methylation of proteins and DNA regulate epigenetic programming and reprogramming, cell signaling, and the pathogenesis of diverse human diseases.
Tags: 2014, cell biology, July, Research Conference, Bahamas, Life Sciences, Conference, science research
Conference - London, United Kingdom
Antimicrobial resistance is perceived as an increasing threat to health and well-being globally.
Tags: 2014, United Kingdom, July, clinical trials, Chemical Sciences, Chemistry, London, Conference
Conference - Lisbon, Portugal
It is with great pleasure that we invite you to attend the 14th Rodens et Spatium – International Conference on Rodents Biology – which will be held in Lisbon, Portugal from July 28th-August 2nd, 2014.
Tags: 2014, July, Biology, Zoology, August, Lisbon, Portugal, Life Sciences, Conference