Course - Cold Spring Harbor, NY, United States
Computational cell biology is the field of study that applies the mathematics of dynamical systems together with computer simulation techniques to the study of cellular processes.
Course - Cold Spring Harbor, NY, United States
Computational cell biology is the field of study that applies the mathematics of dynamical systems together with computer simulation techniques to the study of cellular processes.
Tags: 2014, Bioinformatics, cell biology, Biochemistry, July, United States, August, Cold Spring Harbor, Biological Chemistry, Life Sciences, Genomics, NY, laboratory, lab research
Course - Heidelberg, Germany
This five day advanced course on fluorescence super-resolution microscopy will cover the theory and practical application of current super-resolution microscopy techniques to biological questions.
Tags: 2014, Microscopy, July, germany, Heidelberg, Life Sciences
Conference - Minneapolis, MN, United States
The American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) is pleased to announce registration, for the 2014 AAPT Summer Meeting in Minneapolis, MN is now open. Join us July 26-30, for your chance to attend dozens of cutting-edge workshops,
Tags: 2014, University of Minnesota, July, United States, Research Meeting, Physics, Conference, Minneapolis, MN
Conference - Dakamarri, Visakhapatnam, India
Raghu College of Pharmacy, a pioneer institution located at Dakamarri Bheemunipatnam Mandal, Visakhapatnam is catering to the needs of building pharmacists and industry persistently since 2007 under the philanthropic management of Raghu Educational Society.
Tags: 2014, Biotechnology Current Events, July, India, Research India, Life Sciences, Biotechnology
Course - Bar Harbor, NY, United States
This two-week course includes daily lectures in the mornings and evenings supplemented by afternoon mini-symposia, workshops, tutorials, poster session, and demonstrations. There is special emphasis on student-faculty interaction.
Tags: 2014, biomedical research, Medical Research, July, United States, August, Bar Harbor, Life Sciences, Genetics, NY, laboratory, lab research
Conference - Boston, MA, United States
Tumor Models Boston 2014 will showcase the very latest preclinical case studies where genetically characterized patient-specific tumor models are delivering more predictable preclinical data.
Tags: 2014, Cancer, July, United States, clinical trials, Boston, Life Sciences, Conference, MA
Conference - Singapore
Anatomy remains the fundamental pre-requisite of medical, dental and veterinary science.
Tags: 2014, Microscopy, July, Singapore, Medicine, veterinary science, Conference
Conference - Heidelberg, Germany
Microfluidics is a quickly growing, highly interdisciplinary field at the interface of physics, engineering, chemistry and biology.
Tags: 2014, July, Molecular Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, germany, Heidelberg, Life Sciences, Conference, Genomics
Lecture - Bangalore, India
Understanding immunology and mechanisms underlying immunological responses is the key to immunotherapy.
Tags: 2014, Immunology, July, India, Research India, Bangalore, Life Sciences, Lecture
Course - Cold Spring Harbor, NY, United States
The Eukaryotic Gene Expression Course is designed for students, postdocs, and principal investigators who have recently ventured into the exciting area of gene regulation.
Tags: 2014, RNA research, Biochemistry, July, August, US, Molecular Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Cold Spring Harbor, Biological Chemistry, Life Sciences, Genetics, NY, laboratory, research laboratories