Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events
Tags: CA, Drug Discovery, Biotech Event, infectious diseases, United States, 2015, February, immmunology, San Diego
Conference - San Diego, CA, United States
The Summit will begin with a plenary keynote session, and then break into four concurrent conferences, all of which will talk about complementary areas of the latest breakthroughs in the immunology field:
Tags: CA, infectious diseases, Immunology, Biochemistry, Medicine, Biology, United States, Summit, January, 2015, San Diego, Life Sciences, Conference, Biotechnology
Conference - Cayenne, French Guiana
This meeting offers attendees the opportunity to network with peers, learn new trends and hear about cutting-edge scientific advancements in emerging and infectious diseases from the experts, researchers and academics as well as health professionals.
Tags: 2014, infectious diseases, September, Systems Biology, Guiana, Life Sciences, Conference
Lecture - Tunis, Tunisia
The course is about how to analyze and interpret NGS data. A particular focus will be made on infectious/parasitic diseases NGS applications. We will specifically use parasite datasets to provide examples and hints for the interpretation of NGS datasets in a transcriptomic and/or genomic context.
Tags: 2014, infectious diseases, September, Systems Biology, Tunisia, Tunis, Life Sciences, Lecture
Conference - Seattle, WA, United States
Born out of the desire to bring much needed attention to HIV cell and gene therapies, this conference aims to unite an international roster of esteemed scientists to share and discuss novel treatments and research using these innovative modalities.
Tags: 2014, HIV, AIDS Research, WA, infectious diseases, Medicine, United States, August, Life Sciences, Conference, Seattle
Conference - Seattle, WA, United States
Join us in Seattle for the first international conference on Systems Biology of Infectious Diseases
Tags: 2014, University of Washington Seattle, infectious diseases, August, Systems Biology, Life Sciences, Conference
Meeting - Cold Spring Harbor, NY, United States
We are pleased to announce the fifth summer conference on Glia in Health & Disease, which will be held at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York.
Tags: 2014, infectious diseases, July, Medicine, United States, Research Meeting, Cold Spring Harbor, Neuroscience, Life Sciences, NY, laboratory, lab research, research laboratories
Conference, Seminar - Veyrier-du-Lac, France
The purpose of this seminar is to bring together experts and interested individuals from various disciplines to:
Tags: 2014, June, vaccine, vaccine research, infectious diseases, Immunology, France, Health Science, Seminar, Life Sciences, Conference
Conference - London, United Kingdom
The prevention of anti-malarial drug resistance is of enormous public health importance.
Tags: 2014, infectious diseases, United Kingdom, July, Medicine, London, Life Sciences, Conference, Drug Development
Congress - Singapore, Singapore
An executive platform for experts working in microbiology, bacteriology, mycology, virology and parasitology in Asia Pacific.
Tags: 2014, June, Microbiology, infectious diseases, Congress, Singapore, Asia, Life Sciences
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