Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Protease Inhibitors in Drug Discovery Conference 2015

Posted on Oct 17, 2014 12:44:00 PM

Conference - San Diego, CA, United States
We are pleased to announce the inaugural Protease Inhibitors in Drug Discovery Conference, to be hosted by GTCbio February 26-27, 2015 in San Diego, CA. Though protease inhibitors hold great therapeutic promise in areas such as inflammation, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer, researchers in the field are still overcoming the challenge of specificity.

This meeting will provide a forum for scientists from both industry and academia to share recent advances in protease inhibitor research, from biological functions to translational aspects for drug discovery. Speakers will cover topics such as regulation of proteases by exosites, deubiquitinating enzymes, membrane-associated proteolysis, and many more. In addition to cutting-edge scientific presentations, attendees will be able to form new connections during dedicated networking sessions.
Organization: GTCbio (
(Courtesy of Protease Inhibitors in Drug Discovery Conference logo, via
February 26-27, 2015 (8:00am - 5:00pm)
Paradise Point Resort & Spa
1404 Vacation Road San Diego, CA 92109, San Diego, United States
Contact: Kristen Starkey (
Phone: 6262566405
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Tags: CA, Drug Discovery, Biotech Event, infectious diseases, United States, 2015, February, immmunology, San Diego

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