Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events

Genetic Engineering Unlocked: Cre-lox and Beyond - Research Webinar

Posted on Apr 29, 2013 6:17:00 AM

Genetic Engineering Unlocked: Cre-lox and Beyond

Webinar - The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Maine, US

Cre-lox and related gene recombination technologies are enabling scientists to regulate when and where genes are expressed. Our diverse collection of Cre-lox and related strains is growing, and knowing how to use these mice can open new opportunities for your research. Join us as we unlock these technologies and discuss

Breeding schemes for producing traditional and tissue-specific mutants

Regulating the timing of gene expression through hormone-inducible and Tet-inducible systems

Common complications and pitfalls of Cre-lox technology

Analogous systems – such as FLP/FRT and phi C31 – that you can combine with Cre-lox technologies

How to use our website to find Cre-lox and related strains

Presenter: Dolores Garcia-Arocena, Ph.D., Technical Information Scientist
Moderator: Kathy Snow, Ph.D., Technical Information Scientist


(Courtesy of genetically engineered mice, via

Thursday, May 9, 2013

(10am PT / 11am MT / 12pm CT / 1pm ET)


The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Maine, US

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Tags: 2013, research mice, Research Webinars, US, May, ME, Bar Harbor, Maine, Genetic, Seminar, Engineering, Research, laboratory, Mice, Life Science, research laboratories

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