Conference - San Jose, CA, United States
CLEO, the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, serves as the premier international forum for scientific and technical optics.
Conference - San Jose, CA, United States
CLEO, the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, serves as the premier international forum for scientific and technical optics.
Tags: CA, current technology event, Photonics, Optics, USA, San Jose, Engineering, Conference
Conference - San Francisco, CA, United States
IBC's 9th annual Next Generation Protein Therapeutics Summit is the conference to attend to gain new ideas on how to cross-fertilize ides from multiple disciplines and turn promising new molecules into differentiated products.
Tags: 2014, CA, June, Drug Discovery, Biotechnology Current Events, USA, Protein Research, Protein, Summit, San Francisco, Life Sciences, Conference, biotech industry, Drug Development
Conference - San Francisco, CA, USA
IBC's 2nd annual Bioconjugates: From Targets to Therapeutics event is the conference to attend to increase your market share with the latest conjugation and design manufacturing science.
Tags: 2014, CA, June, USA, Development, pharmaceutical, Chemistry, San Francisco, Life Sciences, Conference, Biotech current events
Conference - San Francisco, CA, United States
This two-day conference brings together representatives who are engaged in establishing a transformation in the global chemical and energy industries - from petroleum to biobased.
Tags: 2014, CA, chemical research, biofuels, USA, Biochemistry, September, Chemical Sciences, Chemistry, biochemicals, San Francisco, Biotech current events
Conference - Boston, MA, United States
This summit will bring together experts from academia and industry to discuss cutting edge research and new technologies used in the pharmaceutical and biotech fields.
Tags: 2014, infectious diseases, USA, July, Summit, Boston, Life Sciences, Conference, Biotechnology, MA, Biotech current events
Conference - San Francisco, CA, United States
IBC's Inaugural event, Protein Aggregation, Stability & Solubility, is the conference to attend to reduce protein degradation and safeguard your product’s efficacy.
Tags: 2014, CA, June, USA, Protein Research, San Francisco, Life Sciences, Conference, Life Science Event
Seminar - New Hope, PA, United States
CRO Analytics, in collaboration with Drexel University, has developed the only validated performance data collection system, providing straightforward access to reliable benchmarking, key performance drivers and predictive analytics in an intuitive format.
Tags: 2014, Biotechnology Current Events, USA, Webinar, May, Quality Control, clinical trials, Pharmaceuticals, New Hope, Seminar, PA
Conference - Madison, WI, United States
ZDM7 will be held in Madison, WI June 28-July 1, 2014.
Tags: 2014, Stem Cells, June, USA, WI, July, Biology, Chemical Biology, Imaging, Life Sciences, Conference, Genetics, Madison
Tags: 2014, Biotechnology Current Events, USA, July, Boston, Life Sciences, Conference, Biotechnology, MA