Science Researcher Update: Spotlight on Meetings, Conferences, and Events
Tags: October, Italy, Rome, Life Sciences, Current Science Meetings and Events, 2018, gastroenterology, Gastrointestinal Diseases, october 2018, Hepatology
Spotlight on Science Meetings, Conferences and Events brings you information on the following: 17th International Conference on Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology
The 17th International Conference on Clinical & Experimental Ophthalmology brings together a unique and international mix of large and medium pharmaceutical, biotech and diagnostic companies, leading universities and clinical research institutions making the conference a perfect platform to share experience, foster collaborations across industry and academia, and evaluate emerging technologies across the globe. Ophthalmology 2018 maximizes the opportunity to interact with and learn from your peers from across the country and across the globe it held with the discussions on Retina and Retinal Disorders, Cornea and External Eye Disease, Neuro-Ophthalmology, Glaucoma: Visual Field Loss, Eye Cancer, Ocular Microbiology and Immunology, Novel Approaches to Ophthalmology Therapeutics and many more.
Tags: October, Moscow, Russia, Life Sciences, Current Science Meetings and Events, 2018, Ophthalmology, Eye Surgery, october 2018, Eye Disease
Spotlight on Science Meetings, Conferences and Events brings you information on the following: World Congress on Diabetes and Endocrinology
PULSUS Group welcomes all the participants across the world to attend ‘World Congress on Diabetes and Endocrinology’ which includes prompt keynote displays, oral talks, poster displays and exhibitions. WDEC 2018 strives to bring renowned scientists, Physicians, Surgeons, Professors, Instrumentalists, Medical and Industrial professions, young researchers, students and Business delegates under a single roof providing an opportunity to share the knowledge and scientific progress in the field of Diabetes and Endocrinology shaping the future research.
Tags: October, Thailand, Life Sciences, Genomics, Current Science Meetings and Events, 2018, Breeding, Chiang Mai, Gene Targeting
Spotlight on Science Meetings, Conferences and Events brings you information on the following: The 15th Solanaceae Conference
Join us to discuss the new dynamics and challenges in solanaceae breeding and genomics. The conference offers great opportunities for networking and the exchanges of ideas with top scientists and professionals from industry and the research community. The conference aims to explore the major advances in proteogenomics and the breeding of solanaceae crops.
Tags: September, October, Thailand, Life Sciences, Genomics, Current Science Meetings and Events, 2018, Breeding, September 2018, Chiang Mai, Gene Targeting
Spotlight on Science Meetings, Conferences and Events brings you information on the following: 3rd Annual Kidney Congress
The Kidney Congress 2018 invites you to share your ideas, experience and knowledge with the other participants from all over the world. Receive certificate from international organizing committee members, network with others in your field or areas of interest, Present your own original work to key international opinion leaders, participate in practical, clinic-friendly workshops on nephrology, dialysis, transplantation, nutrition & more.
Tags: USA, October, Life Sciences, New York City, kidney research, Current Science Meetings and Events, 2018, Renal Cystic Diseases, october 2018, Nephrology
Spotlight on Science Meetings, Conferences and Events brings you information on the following: International Conference on Midwifery and Women's Health
The World Congress on Midwifery and Women’s Health invites speakers across continents to gather and exchange thought provoking and inspiring talks on Midwifery, Obstertrics, Neonatology, Gynaecology and Nursing. The set theme, “New Standards of Healthcare: Caring from Cells to Souls” appeals for sharing educational, philosophical and apprising lectures from eminent personalities over the globe highlighting current issues, challenges and advancements in midwifery and women's health. Midwifery and Women’s Health Conference is going to be a unique platform to host prudent talks on a vast field of subjects.
Tags: United Kingdom, London, October, Life Sciences, Current Science Meetings and Events, 2018, october 2018, OB/GYN, Women Health, Midwifery
Spotlight on Science Meetings, Conferences and Events brings you information on the following: 3rd International Conference on Medical Microbiology
The Medical Microbiology Conference is organized around the theme “Delve into Recent findings and Novel advents in the field of Medical Microbiology”. The aim of the conference is to provide an opportunity to share knowledge, expertise along with unparalleled networking opportunities between a large number of medical and industrial professionals in this sphere. Medical Microbiology Conference welcomes microbiologists, scientists, research scholars, industrial professionals and student delegates from microbiological and industrial sectors to be a part of the esteemed Medical Microbiology 2018.
Tags: Virology, Microbiology, germany, October, Frankfurt, Life Sciences, Current Science Meetings and Events, 2018, october 2018, Food Microbiology
Spotlight on Science Meetings, Conferences and Events brings you information on the following: 18th International Conference on Gastroenterology and Endoscopy
The scientific program of Gastroenterology 2018 includes a wide range of Keynote presentations, Plenary talks, Video presentations, Symposia, Workshops, Exhibitions, Poster presentations and e-posters. The agenda aims to provide a forum for all gastroenterologists, internal medicine specialists within the region to exchange ideas, discuss innovative methods and review new developments within the field of gastroenterology. The program addresses the hottest topics as well as new medications on the market and innovative surgical techniques discusses the latest research outcomes and technological advancements in the field.
Tags: USA, California, October, Life Sciences, Current Science Meetings and Events, 2018, gastroenterology, Endoscopy, october 2018, San Fransisco, Digestive Disorders
Spotlight on Science Meetings, Conferences and Events brings you information on the following: World Colloid Conference 2018
Colloid conference is delighted to welcome the participants from all over the world to attend the prestigious International Conference on Colloid. The conference provides the global coliseum to international scholars and researchers to voice their research findings to the world. With representatives from all the major countries in attendance the atmosphere is exciting with open and friendly interaction between attendees. The conference provides an opportunity for the colloid and surface industry to learn about current and upcoming issues, explore new developments in culture technology, and interact with others with similar interests.
Tags: Marine Biology, October, Vienna, Austria, Life Sciences, Current Science Meetings and Events, 2018, october 2018, Colloid, Interface Science
Spotlight on Science Meetings, Conferences and Events brings you information on the following: International Conference & Expo on Clinical Psychology
This event is planned with renowned personalities in the fields of psychology, psychiatry, and neurology professionals from academia as well as from health care. This conference has been planned with B2B Meetings, and will include academic sessions, symposium and workshops. This live conference is looking for new approaches and scopes to thoroughly review the scientific as well as clinical aspect of psychology. Join with more than 500 colleagues for interactive, innovative and incredible experience in beautiful city of Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Tags: Netherlands, October, Amsterdam, Life Sciences, Current Science Meetings and Events, 2018, Mental Health, october 2018, Clinical Psychology, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
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