Science Market Update

University of Pittsburgh Opens Ambitious $3M Research Center

Posted by Leo Zlimen on Tue, May 22, 2018

The University of Pittsburgh has opened a brand new, technologically advanced surgical center that will make use of recent discoveries in robotics and machine learning. The Collaborative Research Education and Technology Enhancement in Surgery  Initiative (CREATES) aims to support Pittsburgh’s expanding hub of life science innovation, research and development. The $3-million dollar, 10,000 square foot project will bring scientists from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center together with researchers from Carnegie Mellon, and is looking to establish up to six partnerships with US-based robotic firms.

Pittsburgh Life Science Research Market

(Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons 

This potential for innovation has not been lost upon the life science community in Pittsburgh, which is itself burgeoning with entrepreneurial activity and research. As noted by one Serial Life Science Entrepreneur in Life Sciences Pittsburgh“Pittsburgh is one of the only regions with a top-ranked medical research school, a top-ranked integrated healthcare system, a top-ranked computer science school, and a supercomputer.”

The cumulative effect of these technological advantages is a life science research and development industry worth as much as $3 billion. With $714 million in funding from the National Institutes of Health, 27 Foundations with at least $8 billion in assets, and two tier-one research institutions (Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon) together with 36 other colleges and universities, the Pittsburgh market is brimming with lucrative opportunities for both companies and investors in the life science industry.

Looking to promote and sell your lab supply products in this rapidly expanding, three billion dollar life science market?

Biotechnology Calendar, Inc. will be hosting their 19th Annual BioResearch Product FaireTM at the University of Pittsburgh on June 22, 2018. This event will include principal investigators, lab managers, professors, postdocs, grad students, and purchasing agents. This is an unparalleled opportunity to make valuable sales and establish key connections with high-profile researchers.

To learn more about attending the Pittsburgh event, call (530) 272 - 6675 or click on one of the buttons below:

at University of Pittsburgh

Researchers Pittsburgh Event
click here


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Tags: University of Pittsburgh, direct access to researchers, UPITT, BioResearch Product Faire Event, Pittsburgh, NIH funding, life science equipment sales, life science market, Surgery, Medical equipment, 2018, Healthcare Research

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