Tags: Vendor Showcase, UC San Diego, researchers, lab products
The Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University is now one of the nation’s leading healthcare research colleges, making advancements in critical areas such as cancer biology, neuroscience, and immunology. As a top-ranked institution, Thomas Jefferson receives generous funding each year for research and development.
Read MoreTags: Washington, Thomas Jefferson University, WA, cancer research, Cancer, Seattle, ThomJeff, lab products, West Coast
In an active and extremely well funded market such as life science research, it can be difficult to stay informed about which universities are receiving funding and how funding is being used.
Every year, billions of dollars are granted, awarded and donated to life science research facilities around the United States. At dozens of institutions across the nation, public and private funding regularly provides for the purchase of new lab equipment and construction of new research facilities.
Thanks to the daily Science Market Update blog, you can stay five steps ahead of the competition by reading about the latest research funding and life science news.
Tags: 2015, Science Market Update, lab products, Lab Sales, increase lab sales, market lab products, subscribe to blog, read life science news
As a laboratory equipment vendor, many factors affect your decision to promote your products in a specific research market. Some questions, such as “are there universities or hospitals in this area?” and “do life science researchers work at those universities?” can be answered with a simple Google search. Other questions, however, might require more digging.
Read MoreTags: sell lab equipment, biotechnology vendors and lab suppliers, sell lab products, 2015, Lab Product Sales, tradeshow, Science Market Update, lab products